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    Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}


    Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}

    Created:        14 August 2002 \\
    Modified:       20 December 2012 \\


    \textbf{Application \\ \vspace{48pt}
    \large{Modality: \\}
    \large{Submodality: \\}

\author{Name \\





\section{Section Title 1}


\section{Section Title 2}


\section{Appendices: Index and Supporting Evidence}









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            Tx2 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx3 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx4 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
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            Tx2 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx3 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx4 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            \multicolumn{3}{ !{\VRule[1pt]} c !{\VRule[1pt]} }{\cellcolor{gray!25} \tiny{}} & \\





\section{Supporting Evidence}


\subsection{Appendix 2}


\subsection{Appendix 3}




\newgeometry不支持a4paper和之类的选项landscape(日志中有关于此问题的警告)。因此,第一个\newgeometry设置了一个纵向页面,这使得\textheight太高(并且\textwidth太小,导致overfull hbox警告)。您可以通过手动设置来更正此问题,但这并未考虑到设置它的页面。即您的页脚始终在那里,但远低于物理页面。

因此我想出了一个新命令\newgeometryswitchlc,它可以从纵向切换到横向或反之亦然。由于此命令(与原始命令一样)会从序言中恢复设置,因此无法使用它来切换回来。这可以通过普通的 来完成\newgeometry,但之后您必须手动设置\pdfpageheight\pdfpagewidth才能在 PDF 查看器中获得正确的尺寸。



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    Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}


    Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}

    Created:        14 August 2002 \\
    Modified:       20 December 2012 \\

% like \newgeometry, but also switches between landscape and portait
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  % set the correct dimension for the PDF viewer
  % must be done manually when switching back with \newgeometry


    \textbf{Application \\ \vspace{48pt}
    \large{Modality: \\}
    \large{Submodality: \\}

\author{Name \\





\section{Section Title 1}


\section{Section Title 2}


\section{Appendices: Index and Supporting Evidence}


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%\pdfpageheight=\paperheight done in \newgeometrylandscape


%\textheight=17.5cm to high, but




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        \begin{tabular}{!{\VRule[2pt]} m{251mm} !{\VRule[2pt]} @{}m{0pt}@{} }
            \parbox{251mm}{\centering{\LARGE{}\textbf{APPENDIX 1}}\\
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            Tx2 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx3 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx4 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
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            Tx2 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx3 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
            Tx4 & more &   & \\ [16pt]
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\section{Supporting Evidence}


\subsection{Appendix 2}


\subsection{Appendix 3}


