请考虑以下 LaTeX 手稿,其正文(包括注释)都是从 3.0.1a 版 TikZ & PGF 手册第 883 页复制粘贴的。
% Define a test key and error handlers:
\pgfkeys{/the/key/.code={Initial definition. }}
\pgfkeys{/handlers/.unknown/.code={Unknown key '\pgfkeyscurrentkey'. }}
% calling the test key yields ’Initial definition. ’:
% Change configuration:
\pgfkeys{/handler config=only existing}
% allowed: key *re*-definition:
\pgfkeys{/the/key/.code={Re-Definition. }}
% calling the key yields ’Re-Definition. ’:
% not allowed: definition of new keys:
% this checks for ’/the/other key/.unknown’
% and ’/handlers/.unknown’
% and yields finally
% ’Unknown key ‘/the/other key/.code‘’
\pgfkeys{/the/other key/.code={New definition. }}
初始定义。重新定义。未知密钥“/the/other key/.code”
为什么排版文本没有以“/the/other key/.code”结尾,正如最后一条评论(正确地)所说的那样?