包含 \addcontentsline 和 fancyhdr 包的宏,具有唯一标识号

包含 \addcontentsline 和 fancyhdr 包的宏,具有唯一标识号



%Users enter \pid{NUMBERS}
%I want the command to place the NUMBERS on the top left of each page and to add a contents line the first (and only the first) time it is called for each subject
    \renewcommand{\pid}[1]{\lhead{\texttt{Participant ID: }##1}}%
    \lhead{\texttt{Participant ID: }#1}%

%User types \scneario{NAME} here
%I want this to display the scenario as a subsection the first (and only the first) time it is called *for each unique identification number*
    \rhead{\texttt{Scenario: }#1}%


Some text.\\
Some more text.\\

Some text.\\
Some more text.\\


Some text.\\
Some more text.\\


Some text.\\
Some more text.\\







    \lhead{\texttt{Participant ID: }#1}% Set the head anyway
    \ifcsname pid#1\endcsname% check existence of a macro called 'pid#1'
    \else% if there is none
    \expandafter\gdef\csname pid#1\endcsname{}% define a macro with that name
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}% add the contentsline
    \gdef\cur@pid{#1}% define a global macro containing the current pid
    \rhead{\texttt{Scenario: }#1}%
    \ifcsname\cur@pid @scenario#1\endcsname% I added a #1 here so the scenario name is also considered in the check
    \expandafter\gdef\csname\cur@pid @scenario#1\endcsname{}% I added a #1 here





由此得出以下目录: 在此处输入图片描述


编辑:改变了的行为\scenario,现在它将场景放入目录中,除非已经遇到\pid和-name 的相同组合。\scenario
