我已经对原始 AEA 书目样式代码做了一些更改。现在我想在作者后面用括号标出出版年份。我应该更改什么?这是我的 Latex 文件:
Here is an example to cite \citet{abeler2010gift} in text.
参考文献由 Jabref 生成并保存在单独的参考书目文件(纸质文件)中,格式如下:
author = {Abeler, Johannes and Altmann, Steffen and Kube, Sebastian and Wibral, Matthias},
title = {Gift exchange and workers' fairness concerns: When equality is unfair},
year = {2010},
volume = {8},
number = {6},
pages = {1299--1324},
journal = {Journal of the European Economic Association},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
参考书目样式是美国经济评论样式 (AEA) 的修改版本。我在此处上传了文件: https://www.file-upload.net/download-12626400/aea.bst.html
Copying of this file is authorized only if either (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or (2) if you do make changes, you name it something other than btxbst.doc, plain.bst, unsrt.bst, alpha.bst, abbrv.bst, agsm.bst, dcu.bst, cje.bst, aer.bst, or kluwer.bst. This restriction helps ensure that all standard styles are identical.
文件中,找到 ( Ctrl+ F)FUNCTION {output.month.year}
条目。这将控制月份和年份输出的格式。因此,要添加所需的括号(请注意,这将改变全部年份字段的格式包括括号),替换FUNCTION {output.month.year} { space month plain.space.output space year plain.comma "year" output.check }
FUNCTION {output.month.year} { space month plain.space.output space "(" year * ")" * plain.comma "year" output.check }
要影响年份字段的位置,请继续在文件中找到 ( Ctrl+ F) 。替换
FUNCTION {article}
FUNCTION {article} { output.bibitem author.item.check format.title.if.not.sortkey.check crossref missing$ { space journal italic comma "journal" output.check output.month.year output.vol.num.pages } { space format.article.crossref plain.space output.nonnull comma format.pages plain.space.output } if$ fin.entry }
FUNCTION {article} { output.bibitem author.item.check output.month.year format.title.if.not.sortkey.check crossref missing$ { space journal italic comma "journal" output.check output.vol.num.pages } { space format.article.crossref plain.space output.nonnull comma format.pages plain.space.output } if$ fin.entry }
然后考虑以下 MWEB:
author = {Abeler, Johannes and Altmann, Steffen and Kube, Sebastian and Wibral, Matthias},
title = {Gift exchange and workers' fairness concerns: When equality is unfair},
year = {2010},
volume = {8},
number = {6},
pages = {1299--1324},
journal = {Journal of the European Economic Association},
publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
Here is an example to cite \citet{abeler2010gift} in text.
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