我想知道在使用 tikz-feynman 包时,是否可以调整弯曲传播器和相应弯曲动量箭头之间的距离?实际上,我想减小这个距离。提到的箭头位于点之间:z 和 z_2。另外,我可以移动动量箭头,使其不位于传播器的中心吗?我的代码是:
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\vertex (a1)[scale=0.7][blob,label=180:\(J\), label=20:\(z_0\)] {};
\vertex(a2)[right=0.9cm of a1,dot, label=90:\(z_{}\)]{} ;
\vertex(a3)[right=0.7cm of a2, dot, label=90:\(z_1\)]{} ;
\vertex(a4)[below right=0.7cm and 2.1cm of a2, dot, label=90:\(z_2\)]{} ;
\vertex[right=3.9cm of a3](a5){\(p{,}d\)};
\vertex(a6)[below=1.5cm of a3, crossed dot,label=270:\(\vec{\bf{q_1}} {,}a_1\)]{};
\vertex(a7)[below=0.8cm of a4, crossed dot,label=270:\(\vec{\bf{q_2}} {,}a_2\)]{};
\vertex(a8)[right=2.5cm of a4]{\(k{,}c\)};
\diagram* {
(a1) -- [gluon, momentum'={[arrow shorten=0.2, arrow distance=0.6] }] (a2) -- [gluon, momentum={[arrow shorten=0.2, arrow distance=0.6] }] (a3)-- [gluon, momentum'={[arrow shorten=0.38, arrow distance=0.25] }] (a5),
(a2) -- [gluon, /tikz/out=-45 ,/tikz/in=185, momentum={[arrow shorten=0.3]} ] (a4)--[gluon, momentum= {[arrow shorten=0.3, arrow distance=0.25]}](a8) ,
(a6) -- [gluon, momentum={[arrow shorten=0.3, arrow distance=0.4]}](a3) ,
(a7) -- [gluon, momentum={[arrow shorten=0.2, arrow distance=0.55]}](a4) ,
arrow distance=<num>
\vertex[scale=0.7, blob, label=180:\(J\), label=20:\(z_0\)] (a1) {};
\vertex[right=1cm of a1,dot, label=0:\(z\)] (a2) {} ;
\vertex[below right=0.7cm and 2cm of a2, dot, label=90:\(z_1\)] (a3) {};
\vertex[above right=0.7cm and 2cm of a2, dot, label=-90:\(z_2\)] (a4) {};
\vertex[right=2.5cm of a3] (a5) {\(p,d\)};
\vertex[right=2.5cm of a4] (a8) {\(k,c\)};
\vertex(a6)[below=1cm of a3, crossed dot, label=-90:{\(\vec{\bf{q_1}},a_1\)}]{};
\vertex(a7)[above=1cm of a4, crossed dot, label=90:{\(\vec{\bf{q_2}},a_2\)}]{};
\diagram* {
(a1) -- [gluon, momentum'={}] (a2),
(a2) -- [gluon, out=-60, in=180, momentum'={[arrow shorten=0.3, arrow distance=15]}] (a3)
-- [gluon, momentum'={}] (a5),
(a2) -- [gluon, out=60, in=180, momentum={[arrow shorten=0.3, arrow distance=15]}] (a4)
-- [gluon, momentum={}] (a8),
(a6) -- [gluon, momentum={}] (a3),
(a7) -- [gluon, momentum'={}] (a4),