格式化 \Cref 影响目录

格式化 \Cref 影响目录

我最近获得了格式化方面的帮助小节数字而不改变参考数字。(如何在不影响参考文献的情况下缩进文本中的小节?) 正是按照我的要求做的。

不幸的是,我的工作示例既不包括 abook table of contents也不包括 a chapter table of content,我刚刚发现book tocchapter toc列表 the小节我不想要这个。

此外,还有一些奇怪的事情:chapter 1 toc以“chapter.1”开头,虽然chapter 2 toc应该是空的,但它是未格式化的副本chapter 1 toc(以及前面的“chapter.1”)。


以下是 MWE:

    \titlecontents{chapter}[6pc]{\addvspace{1pc}\bfseries\filright}{\contentslabel[\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel]{6pc}}{}{\hfill\contentspage}[\addvspace{2pt}]%
    \newcommand\xquad{\hspace{0.4em plus .2em minus .2em}}%



Some prefatory text
\section{Plain Numbers}\label{1-1-0}
text text text text text text  
text text text text text text  

\section{Signed Numbers}\label{1-2-0}
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text  
text text text text text text  


Some text and now some references:

\Cref{1-0-0} \nameref{1-0-0}

\Cref{1-1-0} \nameref{1-1-0}

\Cref{1-1-1} \nameref{1-1-1}





正如 Christian 所提到的,您必须加载除cleveref之前之外的所有包hyperrefcleveref应该在之后加载hyperref






    \titlecontents{chapter}[6pc]{\addvspace{1pc}\bfseries\filright}{\contentslabel[\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel]{6pc}}{}{\hfill\contentspage}[\addvspace{2pt}]%
    \newcommand\xquad{\hspace*{0.4em plus .2em minus .2em}}%
    \titlecontents*{p-section}[0pt]{\filright\small}{}{}{, \thecontentspage}[\xquad\textbullet\xquad][.]%

\usepackage{cleveref}% should be the last package

Some prefatory text
\section{Plain Numbers}\label{1-1-0}
text text text text text text  
text text text text text text  
\section{Signed Numbers}\label{1-2-0}
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text  
text text text text text text  

Some text and now some references:

\Cref{1-0-0} \nameref{1-0-0}

\Cref{1-1-0} \nameref{1-1-0}

\Cref{1-1-1} \nameref{1-1-1}



    \titlecontents{chapter}[6pc]{\addvspace{1pc}\bfseries\filright}{\contentslabel[\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel]{6pc}}{}{\hfill\contentspage}[\addvspace{2pt}]%
    \newcommand\xquad{\hspace*{0.4em plus .2em minus .2em}}%
    \titlecontents*{p-section}[0pt]{\filright\small}{}{}{, \thecontentspage}[\xquad\textbullet\xquad][.]%

\usepackage{cleveref}% should be the last package

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}% <- only parts, chapters and sections in tocs
Some prefatory text
\section{Plain Numbers}\label{1-1-0}
text text text text text text  
text text text text text text  
\section{Signed Numbers}\label{1-2-0}
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text  
text text text text text text  

Some text and now some references:

\Cref{1-0-0} \nameref{1-0-0}

\Cref{1-1-0} \nameref{1-1-0}

\Cref{1-1-1} \nameref{1-1-1}
