安装 Tex live 安装包时出现问题

安装 Tex live 安装包时出现问题

我安装了 Tex-studio。然后我安装了 basic-miktex-2.9.5872-x64,但它不支持某些软件包,并且不安装词典。因此我从互联网上安装了 Tex-LiveTex-live。安装时我按照以下说明进行操作 关联。但是仍然有问题,texstudio 不安装软件包。它在编译时给出错误消息。而且字典也没有安装在其中。

ragged2e.sty' not found. File未找到文件lmodern.sty。 \usepackage




\usepackage{mathtools, nccmath}
\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q}
\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}
\newcommand{\F}{\mathbb F}
\newcommand{\G}{\mathbb G}



\parindent = 0pt
%\usepackage{nomencl} % For a nomenclature (optional; available from ctan.org)
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amstext,amsfonts} % Lots of math symbols and environments
{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ (#3)}}%

{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ (#3)}}%
{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ (#3)}}%
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % For including graphics N.B. pdftex graphics driver

\linespread{1.05}         % Palatino needs more leading (space between lines)
% Hyperlinks make it very easy to navigate an electronic document.
\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib}


\newcommand*\Let[2]{\State #1 $\gets$ #2}



\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1} % this is the default line space setting




% Change page numbering back to Arabic numerals






\input{appendices/appendices}   % UN-COMMENT IF YOU NEED TO ADD APPENDICES


% B I B L I O G R A P H Y
% -----------------------

% The following statement selects the style to use for references.  It controls the sort order of the entries in the bibliography and also the formatting for the in-text labels.

% This specifies the location of the file containing the bibliographic information.
\cleardoublepage % This is needed if the book class is used, to place the anchor in the correct page,
                 % because the bibliography will start on its own page.
                 % Use \clearpage instead if the document class uses the "oneside" argument

\phantomsection  % With hyperref package, enables hyperlinking from the table of contents to bibliography
% The following statement causes the title "References" to be used for the bibliography section:

% Add the References to the Table of Contents


