简介为“第 0 章”

简介为“第 0 章”



也就是说,我希望介绍有一个标题,并且在通常找到“第 n 章”的位置有“介绍”这个词(如果我使用,那么这正是被删除的内容\chapter*)。

我可以控制计数器,以便下一个将是第 1 章,并且我可以暂时用 重命名标题\renewcommand{\chaptername}{Introduction},但我得到的是“简介 0”,我怎样才能摆脱那个“0”?当然,我希望目录中的外观连贯,如下所示:








\chapter{A wonderful journey}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...

\chapter{Let's go}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...

\chapter{Keep going}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...



如果您想要使用“Introduzione”而不是“Capitolo 0”并且还想要一个附加标题,那么使用标准类,book您可以重新定义\@chapapp为“Introduzione”并且\thechapter在前面有一个空字符串\chapter,例如:


\usepackage[italian]{babel}% or english instead of italian for an English example

\chapter*{Prefazione}% or Preface instead of Prefazione for an English example
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Prefazione}% add ToC entry (see comment above to switch to English)


\setcounter{chapter}{-1}% the introduction will be chapter 0
\renewcommand*{\thechapter}{}% Get rid of the page number
\renewcommand*{\@chapapp}{Introduzione}% replace "Chapter" (or "Appendix") by "Introdutione" (use "Introduction" instead of "Introduzione" for an English example)
\chapter{Un viaggio nella matematica}% or "A Trip to Math" in English

\renewcommand*{\thechapter}{\arabic{chapter}}% bring back the chapter numbers
\makeatletter\renewcommand*{\@chapapp}{\chaptername}\makeatother% and the chapter name






因此您需要一个额外的包来更改 ToC 条目。

使用 KOMA-Script 类,您不仅可以重新配置 ToC 条目,还可以定义仅用于介绍的新章节命令:

\usepackage[italian]{babel}% or \usepackage[english]{babel} for English

  style=chapter,% use chapter heading style for the new command
  level=0,% same level as chapter (could also use \chapternumdepth)
  pagestyle=plain,% use page style plain for the starting page like \chapter does
  % following options are only needed, if you are using scrbook before 3.24.2626
  % With KOMA-Script 3.24.2626 or newer you should remove the following 5 lines.
  beforeskip=\dimexpr\csname scr@chapter@beforeskip\endcsname,%
  innerskip=\dimexpr\csname scr@chapter@innerskip\endcsname,%
  afterskip=\dimexpr\csname scr@chapter@afterskip\endcsname,%
  % following options are from tocbasic but with prefix `toc`:
  tocstyle=chapter,% use chapter entry style for the ToC entry
  tocindent=0pt,% do not indent the ToC entry
  tocnumwidth=8em,% enough for "Introduzione" or "Introduction"
  tocpagenumberbox=\underlinepagenumberbox% use a special kind of page number (see below)

  tocnumwidth=8em,% enough for "Capitolo" or "Chapter" + Number
  tocentrynumberformat=\chapapp\enskip,% add "Chapter" before the number of the ToC entry

\RedeclareSectionCommand[tocindent=0pt]{section}% don't indent section entries to the ToC
\RedeclareSectionCommand[tocindent=2.3em]{subsection}% not used in this example
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\sectiontocdepth}% show only chapter and section in ToC (like the image in the question)

% The following command is used to print the page numbers of chapter
% and introduction entries to the ToC. It does not only format the
% page number but additionally add a rule below the entry.
  \makebox[\@pnumwidth][r]{#1}% page number as usual
    \raisebox{-\dp\strutbox}[0pt][2\dp\strutbox]{\rule{\columnwidth}{.5pt}}}% rule

\setkomafont{chapterprefix}{\Large\mdseries}% make the prefix line of the headings less strong

\renewcommand*{\theintroduction}{Introduzione}% text instead of number (use "Introduction" for an English example)

\addchap{Prefazione}% use "Preface" for an English example


\introduction{Un viaggio nella matematica}% or \introduction{Trip to Math} for an English example






与你在问题中展示的图像非常相似。对于所有命令,如\DeclareNewSectionCommand\RedeclareSectionCommand英文版 KOMA-Script 手册或者德语 KOMA-Script 手册。注意,一些选项(所有带有前缀的)都继承自包的tocTOC 样式。KOMA-Script 手册有一章关于。toclinetocbasictocbasic

下面是另一个使用其他 KOMA-Script 命令执行几乎相同操作但不需要新章节命令的示例:


% scrbook internally does not use \@chapapp directly but \chapapp
% So we can redefine it to change the result depending on whether counter
% chapter is 0 or -1 or (else) > 0:
  \ifcase -\value{chapter}\relax
% But \thechapter should output nothing, if counter chapter is <= 0
  \ifnum \value{chapter}>\z@\arabic{chapter}\else\fi
% We do want to have \chapapp also before the number in the ToC entry.
% So we add it, if the first argument (this is the number argument) of
% \addchaptertocentry is not empty. If it is empty, we do not need to change
% anything:
\let\orig@addchaptertocentry\addchaptertocentry% Todo: better use letltxmacro
\newcommand*{\introductionname}{Introduction}% The new name for introduction

  tocnumwidth=8em,% enough for "Chapter" + Number or "Introduction" or "Preface"

\RedeclareSectionCommand[tocindent=0pt]{section}% don't indent section entries to the ToC
\RedeclareSectionCommand[tocindent=2.3em]{subsection}% not used in this example
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\sectiontocdepth}% show only chapter and section in ToC (like the image in the question)

% The following command is used to print the page numbers of chapter
% and introduction entries to the ToC. It does not only format the
% page number but additionally add a rule below the entry.
  \makebox[\@pnumwidth][r]{#1}% page number as usual
    \raisebox{-\dp\strutbox}[0pt][2\dp\strutbox]{\rule{\columnwidth}{.5pt}}}% rule

\setkomafont{chapterprefix}{\Large\mdseries}% make the prefix line of the headings less strong

\setcounter{chapter}{-2}% We start with a preface
\chapter{About how to do it a bit more complicate}


\chapter{Trip to math}




对于最后一个例子,即使 KOMA-Script 3.22 就足够了。
