


第 1 页 第2页





  \node[fit=(current bounding box),inner ysep=#1,inner xsep=0]{};

        %\caption{Different Amplifiers}
            S.No. & Configuration & Circuit Diagram & Output Equation & Applications
            \\ \hline
            1 & Differential Amplifier &
            \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw 
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$} 
            (opamp.-) node[left] {} to [open,v<=$v_{id}$]
            (opamp.+) node[left] {}
            (opamp.out) node[right] {}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.-) to [short] ++(-2.5,0) to [short] ++(0,-1) to [R=$R_{in_2}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in_2}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.+) to [short] ++(-0.5,0) to [R=$R_{in_1}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in_1}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-1) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-2.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture} & $\begin{aligned}[t]
                v_{out}&=A*(v_{id})\\ v_{id}&= v_+ - v_-
            \end{aligned}$ & \lipsum[1]\\
            2 & Inverting Amplifier & 
            \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.-) --++(-2.5,0) --++(0,-1) to node[ground]  {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.+) --++(-0.5,0) to [R=$R_{in}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-1) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-2.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) to[open] ++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture} &$v_{out} \approx -A*v_{in}$ & \lipsum[1] \\ \hline
            3 & Non-Inverting Amplifier & 
            \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.+) --++(-0.5,0) --++(0,-1) to node[ground]  {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.-) --++(-2.5,0) to [R=$R_{in}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-0.5) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-1.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) to[open] ++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture} & $v_{out} \approx A*v_{in}$ & \lipsum[1] \\









  \node[fit=(current bounding box),inner ysep=#1,inner xsep=0]{};


%if you want these they need to be here not inside the table
%%        \setlength{\tabcolsep}{5mm}
%%        \def\arraystretch{1.25}

        %\caption{Different Amplifiers}
            S.No. & Configuration & Circuit Diagram & Output Equation & Applications
            \\ \hline
            1 & Differential Amplifier &
            \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw 
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$} 
            (opamp.-) node[left] {} to [open,v<=$v_{id}$]
            (opamp.+) node[left] {}
            (opamp.out) node[right] {}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.-) to [short] ++(-2.5,0) to [short] ++(0,-1) to [R=$R_{in_2}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in_2}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.+) to [short] ++(-0.5,0) to [R=$R_{in_1}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in_1}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-1) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-2.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture} & $\begin{aligned}[t]
                v_{out}&=A*(v_{id})\\ v_{id}&= v_+ - v_-
            \end{aligned}$ & \lipsum[1]\\
            2 & Inverting Amplifier & 
            \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.-) --++(-2.5,0) --++(0,-1) to node[ground]  {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.+) --++(-0.5,0) to [R=$R_{in}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-1) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-2.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) to[open] ++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture} &$v_{out} \approx -A*v_{in}$ & \lipsum[1] \\ \hline
            3 & Non-Inverting Amplifier & 
            \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.+) --++(-0.5,0) --++(0,-1) to node[ground]  {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.-) --++(-2.5,0) to [R=$R_{in}$] 
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_{in}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-0.5) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-1.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) to[open] ++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture} & $v_{out} \approx A*v_{in}$ & \lipsum[1] \\






\usepackage{tikz, caption, changepage, pdflscape, array, amsmath, circuitikz, longtable, lipsum}


  \node[fit=(current bounding box),inner ysep=#1,inner xsep=0]{};


    \begin{longtable}{c|c|c|c| >{\arraybackslash}p{6.5cm}@{}}
        %\caption{Different Amplifiers}
            S.No. & Configuration & Circuit Diagram & Output Equation & Applications
            \\ \hline
            1 & Differential Amplifier &
            \raisebox{\dimexpr2ex-\height}{\begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.-) node[left] {} to [open,v<=$v_\mathrm{id}$]
            (opamp.+) node[left] {}
            (opamp.out) node[right] {}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.-) to [short] ++(-2.5,0) to [short] ++(0,-1) to [R=$R_\mathrm{in_2}$]
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_\mathrm{in_2}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.+) to [short] ++(-0.5,0) to [R=$R_\mathrm{in_1}$]
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_\mathrm{in_1}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-1) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-2.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_\text{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture}} & $\begin{aligned}[t]
                v_\text{out}&=A*(v_\text{id})\\ v_\text{id}&= v_+ - v_-
            \end{aligned}$ & \lipsum[1]%
            2 & Inverting Amplifier &
           \raisebox{\dimexpr2ex-\height}{ \begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.-) --++(-2.5,0) --++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.+) --++(-0.5,0) to [R=$R_{in}$]
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_text{in}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-1) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-2.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) to[open] ++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_text{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture}} &$v_\text{out} \approx -A*v_\text{in}$ & \lipsum[1]%
            \\ \hline
            3 & Non-Inverting Amplifier &
            \raisebox{\dimexpr2ex-\height}{\begin{tikzpicture} [transform shape,baseline=0,scale=0.75] \draw
            (0,0) node[op amp] (opamp) {$A$}
            (opamp.up) --++ (0,0.5) node[vcc] {$+V_{cc}$}
            (opamp.down) --++ (0,-0.5) node[vee] {$-V_{ee}$}
            (opamp.+) --++(-0.5,0) --++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.-) --++(-2.5,0) to [R=$R_{in}$]
            ++(0,-2) to [sV=$V_\text{in}$] ++(0,-1) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) --++(1,0) --++(0,-0.5) to [R=$R_l$]
            ++(0,-1.5) to node[ground] {} ++(0,-0.5)
            (opamp.out) to[open] ++(1,0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0) node[]{} node[right]{$v_\text{out}$}
            \end{tikzpicture}} & $v_\text{out} \approx A*v_\text{in}$ & \lipsum[1]%

