我想知道是否有一种更省时的方法来删除 FEN 字符串或在使用时将其从输出 pdf 中保留下来xskak
% This is a LaTeX file generated by Scid.
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% \definecolor{VariationColor}{gray}{0.40}
% \definecolor{ScoreColor}{gray}{0.40}
White: & Abu Naim & & & ?\\
Black: & 9th Century & & & \\
& & & & ????\\
Result: & 1-0\\
Fen: 6K1/3r3r/5kn1/5p2/5P2/6N1/8/4R1R1 w - - 0 1\\[1ex]
\newchessgame[moveid=1w,setfen=6K1/3r3r/5kn1/5p2/5P2/6N1/8/4R1R1 w - - 0 1]
\mainline{1. Nh5+!!}
Decoy: g6\\[1ex]
\mainline{1... Rxh5 }
\textcolor{VariationColor}{\variation{1... Rxh5 2. Rxg6+ }}
\mainline{2. Rxg6+!}
Decoy: g6\\[1ex]
\mainline{2... Kxg6 }
\textcolor{VariationColor}{\variation{2... Kxg6 3. Re6\# }}
\mainline{3. Re6\# }
{\textbf 1-0}