作为后续问题使用渐变还是图片作为分割矩形的填充?非常感谢 Zarko 的回答,我尝试修改他们的代码以并排分割矩形。
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, fit, positioning, shapes.multipart}
\newcommand\ppbb{path picture bounding box}
box/.style args = {#1/#2}{
rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2,
rounded corners,
text width=3cm, align=center,
path picture={ \begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[thick, % node part one
left color=#1, right color=#1!20!white]
(\ppbb.south) [rounded corners] -| (\ppbb.west) |- (\ppbb.north) [sharp corners] -| (\ppbb.north |- \ppbb.east) -| cycle;
\draw[thick, % node part two
left color=#2, right color=#2!20!white]
(\ppbb.south) [rounded corners] -| (\ppbb.east) |- (\ppbb.north) [sharp corners] -| (\ppbb.south |- \ppbb.west) -| cycle;
}%end of path picture
\node [box=blue/red]
{\nodepart{one} text \\ text \\ text \\ text
\nodepart{two} text \\ text \\ text \\ text};
\draw[thick, % node part one
left color=#1, right color=#1!20!white]
(\ppbb.south) [rounded corners] -| (\ppbb.west) |- (\ppbb.north) [sharp corners] -| (\ppbb.north |- \ppbb.east) -| cycle;
\draw[thick, % node part two
left color=#2, right color=#2!20!white]
(\ppbb.south) [rounded corners] -| (\ppbb.east) |- (\ppbb.north) [sharp corners] -| (\ppbb.south |- \ppbb.west) -| cycle;
您的 mwe 非常接近正确的解决方案 :-)。您只需要更正绘制填充边框。这是“tikz \& pgf manula, v 3.0.3a”第 729 页上的有用图像。
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, fit, positioning, shapes.multipart}
\newcommand\ppbb{path picture bounding box}
box/.style args = {#1/#2}{
rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2,
rounded corners,
text width=3cm, align=center,
draw, thick,
append after command={\pgfextra
\fill[left color=#1, right color=#1!20!white]
[rounded corners] -| (\tikzlastnode.west) |- (\tikzlastnode.one north)
[sharp corners] -| (\tikzlastnode.one split) |- cycle;
\fill[left color=#2, right color=#2!20!white]
(\tikzlastnode.two south)
[rounded corners] -| (\tikzlastnode.east) |- (\tikzlastnode.north)
[sharp corners] -| (\tikzlastnode.one split) |- cycle;
\endpgfextra}% end of the append after command
}% end of the box style definition
\node [box=blue/red]
{\nodepart{one} text \\ text \\ text \\ text
\nodepart{two} text \\ text \\ text \\ text};