我目前正在与许多 (10+) 位合著者撰写一篇长篇论文。我们正在使用这种amsbook
- 每行列出几位作者,
- 将地址放到文档末尾。
我不确定如何做这两件事。以下是文档现在的样子(实际上,我无法将其包括在内,因为 tex.stackexchange.com 说它“看起来像垃圾邮件”。)
\begin{document} \title{Very Important Theorem}
\author[A. Bloggs]{A Bloggs} \email{[email protected]} \address{Department of Mathematics, Best University Ever, Springfield, USA}
%%% Now take what is above, and make 10+ copies of it. In real life the names and addresses are different, but that is not relevant for observing how it looks.
\begin{abstract} We prove stuff \end{abstract} \maketitle