![pdfx 和 geometry 包的问题](https://linux22.com/image/360164/pdfx%20%E5%92%8C%20geometry%20%E5%8C%85%E7%9A%84%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98.png)
当我想同时使用 geometry 和 pdfx 包时,我似乎遇到了问题。具体来说,我想更改一页的边距,因为表格太大了。我不想争论,如果这看起来不错,那只是我主管的指示。我还必须使用 PDF-A,这样我就可以运行 pdfx 包。不幸的是,选项经过geometry 包以某种方式禁用了 newgeometry。我尝试提供一个最小示例。我在 Windows 10 上运行 Miktex 2.8 和 TexStudio 2.12。感谢所有帮助。
\documentclass[bibliography=totoc, listof=totoc]{scrbook}
\usepackage[]{amsmath,amssymb, amsthm}
\usepackage[page, header]{appendix}
\titlehead{University\\ Department}
\author{ABC \\
\title{Estimation Techniques}
\publishers{\vspace{0.4cm} Advisors: Prof\\
Reviewers: Prof}
\date{August 2017}
\caption{Classification of the gauges in the subcatchment . It can be seen that large and extreme large events (magenta and red) are detected simultaneously for nearly all gauges.}\\
{\textbf{Gauge-ID}} & 563290 & 562012 & 563880 & 563790 & 562031 & 562040 & 564160 & 562070 & 564201 & 564300 & 564530 & 564620 & 564400 & 564410 & 562115 \\
{\textbf{Name of gauge}} & {\textbf{Sachsen-grund}} & {\textbf{Schön-heide 3}} & {\textbf{Markers-bach 1}} & {\textbf{Aue 1}} & {\textbf{Aue 3}} & {\textbf{Nieder-schlema}} & {\textbf{Wolfers-grün}} & {\textbf{Zwickau-Pölbitz}} &{\textbf{Nieder-mülsen 1}} & {\textbf{Nieder-lungwitz}} & {\textbf{Altchem-nitz 1}} & {\textbf{Har-thau}} & {\textbf{Chem-nitz 1}} & {\textbf{Goeritz-hain}} & {\textbf{Wechsel-burg 1}} \\