在 pgfplots 中全局抑制设置“结束轴代码之前”

在 pgfplots 中全局抑制设置“结束轴代码之前”

我添加了一个全局选项,用于every axis/.append style={before end axis/.code={}}在每个图周围绘制一个框。但是,我有一些图,我想抑制此代码的执行。我该怎么做?

这是我的 MWE:




% Make a red box around every plot (because its beautiful)
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={before end axis/.code={
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[thin,red,solid] ({rel axis cs:0,0}) |- ({rel axis
cs:1,1}) |- cycle;


% Already tried to use this, to no avail:
% [every axis/.append style={before end
% axis/.code={}}] 

% Don't want to have box around this graph
\begin{axis}[axis x line=none,%
axis y line=none]
\addplot {x^2};




只需说出您想要抑制该框的位置before end axis/.code={}axis




% Make a red box around every plot (because its beautiful)
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={before end axis/.code={
      \begin{scope}[on background layer]
        \draw[thin,red,solid] ({rel axis cs:0,0}) |- ({rel axis
          cs:1,1}) |- cycle;


  \begin{axis}[axis x line=none,%
    axis y line=none]
    \addplot {x^2};

% Don't want to have box around this graph
  \begin{axis}[axis x line=none,%
    axis y line=none,before end axis/.code={}]
    \addplot {x^2};

  \begin{axis}[axis x line=none,%
    axis y line=none]
    \addplot {x^2};


