通过 tcbitemize 选项在第 1 行和第 2 行之间插入一些内容

通过 tcbitemize 选项在第 1 行和第 2 行之间插入一些内容

我想在 tcolorbox tcbitemize 环境排版的第 1 行和第 2 行之间自动插入一些内容。这里的“自动”是指将方法放在 tcolorbox 选项中,而不是放在环境主体中(也就是说,不是通过 \tcbitem),如下所示:


    \begin{tcbitemize}[<...,the method to insert something between row 1 and row 2,...>]
        %The first row
        \tcbitem some text
        \tcbitem some text
        %the second row
        \tcbitem some text
        \tcbitem some text



用于在对其内部内容有非常严格限制的环境\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=2,enhanced,frame hidden]中在两列线上生成普通的“文本” 。tcbitemize


\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=2]
  % The first row
  \tcbitem some text
  \tcbitem some text

  \tcbitem[raster multicolumn=2,enhanced,frame hidden,colback=white]
    Foo text

  % the second row
  \tcbitem some text
  \tcbitem some text



使用包含一些常用选项的raster row 2/.style={...}地方或定义一个样式(见下文){...}tcolorbox\tcbset{}


  myhiddenbox/.style={raster multicolumn=2,enhanced,frame hidden,colback=white}

\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=2,raster row 2/.style=myhiddenbox]
  % The first row with 'important' boxes
  \tcbitem some text
  \tcbitem some text
  % Second row with some other text
  \tcbitem Foo text
  % Third row with 'important' boxes
  \tcbitem some text
  \tcbitem some text
