every node/.style={
line width=0.2cm,
execute at begin node=\begin{minipage}[t][3.5cm]{3.5cm},
execute at end node=\end{minipage}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, line join=round, >=latex]
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=lifecycle]
\node [challenge] (data) {
Data challenges are the \\
group of the challenges \\
related to the characteristics \\
of the data itself
\foreach \characteristic [count=\i, evaluate={\a=\i*20+100;}] in
{Volume, Velocity, Variety, Variability, Veracity, Visualisation, Value}{
\node at (\a:3.5cm) [rotate=\a+180, anchor=east] {\characteristic};
\draw [very thick] (\a-10:5.5cm) -- (\a-10:3.5cm)
arc (\a-10:\a+10:3.5cm) -- (\a+10:5.5cm);
\node [challenge] (process) {
Process challenges include \\
all those challenges \\
encountered while \\
processing the data
\foreach \characteristic [count=\i, evaluate={\a=\i*20+100;}] in
{Data acquisition \\\& warehousing, Data mining \& \\ cleansing}{
\node at (\a:3.5cm) [rotate=\a+180, anchor=east] {\characteristic};
\draw [very thick] (\a-10:5.5cm) -- (\a-10:3.5cm)
arc (\a-10:\a+10:3.5cm) -- (\a+10:5.5cm);
\foreach \characteristic [count=\i, evaluate={\a=-\i*20;}] in
{Data aggregation \\\& integration, Analysis \& \\ modelling, Data \\ interpretation}{
\node at (\a:3.5cm) [rotate=\a, anchor=west] {\characteristic};
\draw [very thick] (\a-10:5.5cm) -- (\a-10:3.5cm)
arc (\a-10:\a+10:3.5cm) -- (\a+10:5.5cm);
\node [challenge] (management) {
Management challenges \\
tackle e.g., privacy, \\
security, governance and \\
lack of skills related to \\
understanding and \\
analysing data
\foreach \characteristic [count=\i, evaluate={\a=70-\i*20;}] in
{Privacy, Security, Data governance, Data \& information \\ sharing,
Cost/operational \\ expenditures, Data ownership}{
\node at (\a:3.5cm) [rotate=\a, anchor=west] {\characteristic};
\draw [very thick] (\a-10:5.5cm) -- (\a-10:3.5cm)
arc (\a-10:\a+10:3.5cm) -- (\a+10:5.5cm);
\draw [ultra thick] (data.south) to [bend right] (process.south);
\draw [ultra thick] (process.north) to [bend left] (management.north);
\draw [ultra thick, <->] (lifecycle.north west) -- (lifecycle.north east)
node [midway, above] {Data lifecycle};