




  1. 问题开始时不显示问号“QB [2]”。

  2. 第二个问题的文本缩进与第一个问题的缩进非常不同。

  3. 第二个问题中的明星发挥也不太好。

  4. 我丑陋地划出额外的 15% 来容纳问号“QB [2]”。


完整的 MWE 在此处:


\newcommand{\rowpoints}[1]{[\foreach\x in {1,...,#1} {$\star$}]}

\SetupExSheets{counter-format=QB [qu]}



        A meaningless question without graphs. This looks nice and the next one is supposed to look the same.

        Let me write here a meaningless question with a meaningless graph.
        \draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$a (ms^2)$};
        \draw[->] (-.3,0) -- (5,0) node[right] {$t (s)$};
        \foreach \ini [evaluate=\ini as \inieval using 2*\ini] in {0,...,1}
        \draw (\inieval,-1) -- ++(0,2) -| (\inieval+1,-1) -- (\inieval+2,-1);
        \draw (1pt, 1) -- (-1pt, 1) node[anchor = east] {$1$};
        \draw (1pt, -1) -- (-1pt, -1) node[anchor = east] {$-1$};
        \foreach \x in {1,...,4}
        \draw (\x cm, 1pt) -- (\x cm, -1pt) node[anchor = north] {$\x$};
        \draw (4,0.5) node[align=left] {$\cdots$};

            (\textit{a}) & $\sin\theta_1 < \sin\theta_2$ & (\textit{b}) & $\sin\theta_1 > \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{c}) & $\sin\theta_1 = \sin\theta_2$ & (\textit{d}) & $\sin^2\theta_1 > \sin^2\theta_2$




Changed image as per the comment


您可以将整个问题放在 minpage 中,但如果您减小宽度,[**] 东西就会移动。因此,我过去常常\rightskip为图形保留空间。首先,您需要知道它有多大,因此需要 savebox。然后,您使用\llap\raisebox将图形叠加在保留的空间中。

我也尝试使用 wrapfigure,但它将表格视为单行文本,并在图形末尾继续缩进。

\usepackage{showframe}% debugging tool


\newcommand{\rowpoints}[1]{[\foreach\x in {1,...,#1} {$\star$}]}

\SetupExSheets{counter-format=QB [qu]}


        A meaningless question without graphs. This looks nice and the next one is supposed to look the same.

        \draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$a (ms^2)$};
        \draw[->] (-.3,0) -- (5,0) node[right] {$t (s)$};
        \foreach \ini [evaluate=\ini as \inieval using 2*\ini] in {0,...,1}
        \draw (\inieval,-1) -- ++(0,2) -| (\inieval+1,-1) -- (\inieval+2,-1);
        \draw (1pt, 1) -- (-1pt, 1) node[anchor = east] {$1$};
        \draw (1pt, -1) -- (-1pt, -1) node[anchor = east] {$-1$};
        \foreach \x in {1,...,4}
        \draw (\x cm, 1pt) -- (\x cm, -1pt) node[anchor = north] {$\x$};
        \draw (4,0.5) node[align=left] {$\cdots$};
        \draw[green] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);
      \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapbox+\columnsep\relax
        Let me write here a meaningless question with a meaningless graph.

            (\textit{a}) & $\sin\theta_1 < \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{b}) & $\sin\theta_1 > \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{c}) & $\sin\theta_1 = \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{d}) & $\sin^2\theta_1 > \sin^2\theta_2$

        A meaningless question without graphs. This looks nice and the next one is supposed to look the same.



\usepackage{showframe}% debugging tool


\newcommand{\rowpoints}[1]{[\foreach\x in {1,...,#1} {$\star$}]}

\SetupExSheets{counter-format=QB [qu]}


        A meaningless question without graphs. This looks nice and the next one is supposed to look the same.

        \draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$a (ms^2)$};
        \draw[->] (-.3,0) -- (5,0) node[right] {$t (s)$};
        \foreach \ini [evaluate=\ini as \inieval using 2*\ini] in {0,...,1}
        \draw (\inieval,-1) -- ++(0,2) -| (\inieval+1,-1) -- (\inieval+2,-1);
        \draw (1pt, 1) -- (-1pt, 1) node[anchor = east] {$1$};
        \draw (1pt, -1) -- (-1pt, -1) node[anchor = east] {$-1$};
        \foreach \x in {1,...,4}
        \draw (\x cm, 1pt) -- (\x cm, -1pt) node[anchor = north] {$\x$};
        \draw (4,0.5) node[align=left] {$\cdots$};
        \draw[green] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);
      \rightskip=\dimexpr \wd\wrapbox+\columnsep\relax
        Let me write here a meaningless question with a meaningless graph.

            (\textit{a}) & $\sin\theta_1 < \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{b}) & $\sin\theta_1 > \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{c}) & $\sin\theta_1 = \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{d}) & $\sin^2\theta_1 > \sin^2\theta_2$

        A meaningless question without graphs. This looks nice and the next one is supposed to look the same.




我设法使用adjustbox包纠正了问题 1 和 3。现在只剩下奇怪的缩进和问题 4。



\newcommand{\rowpoints}[1]{[\foreach\x in {1,...,#1} {$\star$}]}

\SetupExSheets{counter-format=QB [qu]}



        A meaningless question without graphs. This looks nice and the next one is supposed to look the same.

        Let me write here a meaningless question with a meaningless graph.
        \draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$a (ms^2)$};
        \draw[->] (-.3,0) -- (5,0) node[right] {$t (s)$};
        \foreach \ini [evaluate=\ini as \inieval using 2*\ini] in {0,...,1}
        \draw (\inieval,-1) -- ++(0,2) -| (\inieval+1,-1) -- (\inieval+2,-1);
        \draw (1pt, 1) -- (-1pt, 1) node[anchor = east] {$1$};
        \draw (1pt, -1) -- (-1pt, -1) node[anchor = east] {$-1$};
        \foreach \x in {1,...,4}
        \draw (\x cm, 1pt) -- (\x cm, -1pt) node[anchor = north] {$\x$};
        \draw (4,0.5) node[align=left] {$\cdots$};

            (\textit{a}) & $\sin\theta_1 < \sin\theta_2$ & (\textit{b}) & $\sin\theta_1 > \sin\theta_2$ \\
            (\textit{c}) & $\sin\theta_1 = \sin\theta_2$ & (\textit{d}) & $\sin^2\theta_1 > \sin^2\theta_2$


enter image description here
