当 \output 在我的回忆录章节样式中处于活动状态时,如何修复发生的 Underfull \vbox 问题?

当 \output 在我的回忆录章节样式中处于活动状态时,如何修复发生的 Underfull \vbox 问题?

Underfull \vbox (badness 2573) has occurred while \output is active在研究了这个问题的警告几个小时后如何抑制“Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) ... while \output is active”?我了解并修复了文档中的几个此类警告,除了这一个。







% how to suppress “Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) … while \output is active”?
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/62296/how-to-suppress-underfull
\def\@textbottom{\vskip \z@ \@plus 1pt}

\newcommand\thickhrulefill{\leavevmode \leaders \hrule height 1ex \hfill \kern \z@}
    % \thispagestyle{empty}

% Memoir: Warnings “The material used in the headers is too large” w/ accented titles
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/387293/how-to-change-the-page-layout-with-memoir


    (encoding: \f@encoding{},
    family: \f@family{},
    series: \f@series{},
    shape: \f@shape{},
    size: \f@size{},
    baseline: \f@baselineskip{})
    %tfsize: \tf@size{},
    %sfsize: \sf@size{},
    %sssize: \ssf@size{}



% ----------------------------------------------------------
\chapter[Nullam elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum]{Nullam
    elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum pharetra ligula
    ac pretium ante justo a nulla curabitur tristique arcu eu metus}
% ----------------------------------------------------------
1. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
2. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
3. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
4. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
5. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
6. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
7. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
8. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
9. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

original: \f@size
\verb+\small+ \small \f@size
\verb+\normalsize+ \normalsize \f@size
\verb+\large+ \large \f@size
\verb+\Huge+ \Huge \f@size

\section[Some encoding tests]{showfont}







% ----------------------------------------------------------
\chapter[Nullam elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum]{Nullam 
    elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum pharetra ligula
    ac pretium ante justo a nulla curabitur tristique arcu eu metus}
% ----------------------------------------------------------

1. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
2. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
3. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
4. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
5. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
6. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

\section[Some encoding tests]{\showfont}

Lipsum me [55-57]


    (encoding: \f@encoding{},
    family: \f@family{},
    series: \f@series{},
    shape: \f@shape{},
    size: \f@size{},
    baseline: \f@baselineskip{})
    %tfsize: \tf@size{},
    %sfsize: \sf@size{},
    %sssize: \ssf@size{}


我该如何修复此页面上的警告?我已经使用此修复程序如何抑制“Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) ... while \output is active”?修复Underfull \vbox (badness) has occurred while \output is active我文档上的其他问题。但是这个似乎与其他问题不同。

\def\@textbottom{\vskip \z@ \@plus 1pt}



  1. \flushbottom 与 \raggedbottom
  2. 我是否需要关心坏盒子?
  3. 从报告类别转换为书籍类别时出现不良消息
  4. \raggedbottom 在书中。这是正确的方法吗?
  5. 使用 Koma 脚本类之一时恢复默认的 \raggedbottom 脚注行为



% ----------------------------------------------------------
\chapter[Nullam elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum]{Nullam elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum pharetra ligula
    ac pretium ante justo a nulla curabitur tristique arcu eu metus}
% ----------------------------------------------------------

\section[Some encoding tests]{\showfont}

1. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
2. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
3. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
4. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
5. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
6. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

7. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
8. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
9. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
10. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
11. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
12. How to display the font size in use in the final output,


1. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
2. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
3. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
4. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
5. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
6. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

7. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
8. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
9. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
10. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
11. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
12. How to display the font size in use in the final output,


1. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
2. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
3. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
4. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
5. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
6. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

7. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
8. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
9. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
10. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
11. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
12. How to display the font size in use in the final output,


1. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
2. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
3. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
4. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
5. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
6. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
7. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

8. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
9. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
10. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
11. How to display the font size in use in the final output,
12. How to display the font size in use in the final output,

Lipsum me [55-57]


我更喜欢这个替代方案,而不是使用 禁用页面底部对齐\raggedbottom。我相信问题是由于问题末尾显示的堆积空白部分引起的,这会以某种方式将所有空白部分推到下一页,从而在第一页底部创建整体:

% ----------------------------------------------------------
\chapter[Nullam elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum]{Nullam 
    elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum pharetra ligula
    ac pretium ante justo a nulla curabitur tristique arcu eu metus}
% ----------------------------------------------------------

\section[Some encoding tests]{\showfont}



% ----------------------------------------------------------
\chapter[Nullam elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum]{Nullam 
    elementum urna vel imperdiet sodales elit ipsum pharetra ligula
    ac pretium ante justo a nulla curabitur tristique arcu eu metus}
% ----------------------------------------------------------


\section[Some encoding tests]{\showfont}






  1. \newpage在相应页面中添加
  2. 添加这个神奇的命令\addtolength{\textheight}{\topskip}
