\usepackage{tabularx, makecell}
\begin{tabular}{ l | l }
Symbols& Description\\ \hline
N& The number of SNPs \\ \hline
n& The number of patients \\ \hline
X_i&$i$th SNP \\ \hline
Y&the endpoint \\\hline
\beta_i&Effect size for$i$th SNP \\\hline
p_{i+}&The probability $X_i=1$ given $Y =+1$ \\\hline
p_{i-}&The probability $X_i=1 $given $Y =-1$ \\\hline
n_{+}&The number of patients experience toxicity \\\hline
n_{-}&The number of patients do not experience toxicity \\\hline
Z_{i+}&The number of patient has a major allele for $i$th SNP given that patient experience toxicity \\\hline
Z_{i-}& \makecell{The number of patient has a minor allele for $i$th SNP given that patient do not experience toxicity} \\\hline}
\caption{Summary of notations}