关闭 classicthesis 列表中的页码和编号 *

关闭 classicthesis 列表中的页码和编号 *

我想(始终)禁用 classicthesis 前言章节中每个“* 列表”第一页的章节和页标。如果您有多个小于 1 页的小列表,并且其中一个列表被推到单独的页面上,则当前样式不一致。在这种情况下,它会突然获得标题,而其他页面没有标题。

\thispagestyle{empty}现在我显然尝试使用诸如、\manualmark\markboth{}{}\ohead{}... 甚至 等命令来快速修复问题\renewcommand{\pagemark}{}。令我惊讶的是,该\thispagestyle{empty}命令似乎根本没有任何效果。\markboth{}{}我至少可以删除标题中的章节名称,但我从未设法删除页码。

那么,有什么想法可以让我摆脱以下 MWE 中章节第一页的标题吗(抱歉,冗长(精简的经典论文示例),搜索“PROBLEMHERE”)?

\RequirePackage{fix-cm} % fix some latex issues see: http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/fixltx2e.pdf
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                footinclude=true,cleardoublepage=empty,abstractoff, % <--- obsolete, remove (todo)


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  floatperchapter=true,     % numbering per chapter for all floats (i.e., Figure 1.1)
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  beramono=true,    % toggle a nice monospaced font (w/ bold)
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\newcounter{dummy} % necessary for correct hyperlinks (to index, bib, etc.)
\newlength{\abcd} % for ab..z string length calculation


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%\usepackage{fixltx2e} % fixes some LaTeX stuff --> since 2015 in the LaTeX kernel (see below)
\usepackage[latest]{latexrelease} % emulate newer kernel version if older is detected

  \usepackage{acronym} % nice macros for handling all acronyms in the thesis


  \usepackage{hyperref}  % backref linktocpage pagebackref



\selectlanguage{american} % american ngerman
%\renewcommand*{\bibname}{new name}


% Table of Contents
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2} % <-- 2 includes up to subsections in the ToC
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % <-- 3 numbers up to subsubsections
% List of Figures and of the Tables

    % List of Figures


    % List of Tables


    % List of Listings


    % Acronyms
        \acro{DRY}{Don't Repeat Yourself}
        \acro{API}{Application Programming Interface}
        \acro{UML}{Unified Modeling Language}


    % More Lists / Glossaries
    \pdfbookmark[1]{More Lists}{more}
    % PROBLEMHERE: (and no, just removing the following line or emptying it doesn't work)
    \markboth{\spacedlowsmallcaps{More Lists}}{\spacedlowsmallcaps{More Lists}}
    \chapter*{More Lists}
        \item some
        \item other
        \item list

    % More Lists / Glossaries
    %\pdfbookmark[1]{Even More Lists}{evenmore}
    %\markboth{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Even More Lists}}{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Even More Lists}}
    %\chapter*{More Lists}
    %    \item some
    %    \item other
    %    \item list
    %Would be cool if these pages actually kept its header, (only the first shouldn't have one)


% Mainmatter
% use \cleardoublepage here to avoid problems with pdfbookmark
\part{Some Kind of Manual}
\chapter{Test 1}


% ********************************************************************





这与 KOMA 或 classicthesis 无关:\thispagestyle 直接设置布尔值。这意味着它受“异步页面构建器问题”的影响:它可能会影响“上一页”。例如,请参见此示例,其中设置了第一页的页面样式,而不是人们所期望的第二页:





\section*{a section}    
a \thispagestyle{empty}

