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Organic rankine cycle has been a topic of highest interest in recent years. Different types of working fluid and design parameters are considered for the augmentation of performance from an ORC based cycle [9–18] . Out of these numerical and experimental analysis, some recent findings are discussed in this section of literature. Meng Zhao et. al. [19] studied the effects of the ORC Operating Conditions on the Engine Performance for an Engine-ORC Combined System. From the conclusion of this study it was found that engine backpressure increases with the decrease of the pump speed and the expander speed. The maximum engine power output increment at the engine speed of 1500 r$/$min and 2100 r$/$min is 5.47 kW and 7.07 kW respectively. The backpressure increment of the engine with ORC system increases with the increasing of cooling water inlet temperature. From the study of Wenqiang Sun et. al. [20] we can see the exergy efficiency analysis of ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) and ORC-based combined cycles driven by low-temperature waste heat From the conclusion of his study, the exergy efficiency of both systems decreases with the increase of the evaporation temperature of the ORC. The net power output, the refrigerating capacity and the resultant exergy efficiency of the uncoupled ORC-ARC are all higher than those of the ORC-ERC for the evaporation temperature of the basic ORC $>\SI{153}{\degreeCelsius}$, in the investigated application. Li et. al. [21] showed in his study of a cascade organic Rankine cycle power generation system using hybrid solar energy and liquefied natural gas that an equivalent efficiency of 5.99 $\%$ is achieved with isopentane$/$R125 and ETC and the hybrid system has a faster return on solar power investment than a solar ORC. Landelle et. al. [22] explained based on his experimental database report of ORC design and performance comparison, the closed heat source (e.g. thermal solar) case would achieve the highest second law efficiency using a subcritical regenerative ORC with R245fa as working fluid, while the open source case would achieve the highest exergetic recovery efficiency using a transcritical ORC with R404a. Desai et. al. [23] showed in the study of Thermo-economic comparisons between solar steam Rankine and organic Rankine cycles that the optimum regions of the selection diagrams remain almost unchanged with the change in working fluid, solar collector field cost, cycle efficiency, power block cost, and location of the plant. However, the cost of energy for a linear Fresnel reflector based plant with steam Rankine cycle ($\sim$ 0.422 $\$$\textbackslash kW h) is much higher than parabolic trough collector ~ based plant with steam Rankine cycle ($\sim$ 0.353 $ \$ $\textbackslash kW h).
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