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\caption{List of SWAT parameters evaluated for sensitivity analysis in the ECW.}
Parameter &
Description &
Units &
\multicolumn{1}{p{2.07em}}{LB} &
1 & ALPHA\_BF &
Base flow alpha factor for recession constant\tnote{(a,b)} &
day & 0 & 1 \\
2 & CANMX &
Maximum canopy storage\tnote{(c)} &
mm & 0 & 10 \\
3 & CH\_KI &
Fraction change in hydraulic conductivity in tributary channels\tnote{(d)} &
\si{\mm\per\hour} & 0 & 300 \\
4 & CH\_KII &
Fraction change in hydraulic conductivity in the main channel\tnote{(d)} &
\si{\mm\per\hour} & -0.01 & 500 \\
5 & CH\_NI &
Manning’s n value for the tributary channels\tnote{(d)} &
– & 0.01 & 0.3 \\
6 & CH\_NII &
Manning’s n value for the main channels\tnote{(d)} &
– & 0.01 & 0.3 \\
7 & CN2 &
Initial SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II\tnote{(e)} &
\% & -10 & 10 \\
8 & DDRAIN &
Depth to subsurface drain\tnote{(f)} &
mm & 500 & 1500 \\
9 & ESCO &
Soil evaporation compensation factor\tnote{(c)} &
– & 0.01 & 1 \\
& Drain tile lag time\tnote{(f)} &
h & 0 & 48 \\
11 & GW\_DELAY &
Groundwater delay time\tnote{(b)} &
day & 0 & 90 \\
12 & GWQMN &
Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur\tnote{(b)} &
mm & 0 & 4000 \\
13 & SFTMP &
Snow temperature\tnote{(g)} &
\si{\celsius} & -5 & 5 \\
14 & SMFMN &
Minimum melt rate for snow\tnote{(g)} &
\si{\mm\per\celsius\per\day} & 0 & 10 \\
15 & SMFMX &
Maximum melt rate for snow\tnote{(g)} &
\si{\mm\per\celsius\per\day} & 0 & 10 \\
16 & SMTMP &
Snow melt base temperature\tnote{(g)}&
\si{\celsius} & -5 & 5 \\
17 & SNO50COV &
Snow water equivalent that correspond to 50\,\% snow cover\tnote{(g)} &
mm & 0 & 0.9 \\
Minimum snow water content that corresponds to 100\,\% snow cover\tnote{(g)} &
mm & 0 & 650 \\
19 & SOL\_AWC &
Available soil water capacity\tnote{(h)} &
\% & -10 & 20 \\
20 & SURLAG &
Surface runoff lag time\tnote{(e)} &
day & 1 & 12 \\
21 & TIMP &
Snow pack temperature lag factor\tnote{(g)} &
– & 0.01 & 1 \\
\item The process represented by the parameters are (a) baseflow, (b) groundwater, (c) evapotranspiration, (d) channel flow, (e) surface runoff, (f) water management, (g) snow and (h) soil water processes.
\usepackage{array, booktabs, multirow}
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\caption{List of SWAT parameters evaluated for sensitivity analysis in the ECW.}
\begin{tabular}{@{} llll >{$}r<{$} r @{}}
& Parameter & Description & Units
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{LB} & UB \\
1 & ALPHA\_BF &
Base flow alpha factor for recession constant\tnote{(a,b)} &
day & 0 & 1 \\
2 & CANMX &
Maximum canopy storage\tnote{(c)} &
mm & 0 & 10 \\
3 & CH\_KI &
Fraction change in hydraulic conductivity in tributary channels\tnote{(d)} &
\si{\mm\per\hour} & 0 & 300 \\
4 & CH\_KII &
Fraction change in hydraulic conductivity in the main channel\tnote{(d)} &
\si{\mm\per\hour} & -0.01 & 500 \\
5 & CH\_NI &
Manning's n value for the tributary channels\tnote{(d)} &
-- & 0.01 & 0.3 \\
6 & CH\_NII &
Manning's n value for the main channels\tnote{(d)} &
-- & 0.01 & 0.3 \\
7 & CN2 &
Initial SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II\tnote{(e)} &
\% & -10 & 10 \\
8 & DDRAIN &
Depth to subsurface drain\tnote{(f)} &
mm & 500 & 1500 \\
9 & ESCO &
Soil evaporation compensation factor\tnote{(c)} &
-- & 0.01 & 1 \\
10 & GDRAIN &
Drain tile lag time\tnote{(f)} &
h & 0 & 48 \\
11 & GW\_DELAY &
Groundwater delay time\tnote{(b)} &
day & 0 & 90 \\
12 & GWQMN &
Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur\tnote{(b)} &
mm & 0 & 4000 \\
13 & SFTMP &
Snow temperature\tnote{(g)} &
\si{\celsius} & -5 & 5 \\
14 & SMFMN &
Minimum melt rate for snow\tnote{(g)} &
\si{\mm\per\celsius\per\day} & 0 & 10 \\
15 & SMFMX &
Maximum melt rate for snow\tnote{(g)} &
\si{\mm\per\celsius\per\day} & 0 & 10 \\
16 & SMTMP &
Snow melt base temperature\tnote{(g)}&
\si{\celsius} & -5 & 5 \\
17 & SNO50COV &
Snow water equivalent that correspond to 50\,\% snow cover\tnote{(g)} &
mm & 0 & 0.9 \\
Minimum snow water content that corresponds to 100\,\% snow cover\tnote{(g)} &
mm & 0 & 650 \\
19 & SOL\_AWC &
Available soil water capacity\tnote{(h)} &
\% & -10 & 20 \\
20 & SURLAG &
Surface runoff lag time\tnote{(e)} &
day & 1 & 12 \\
21 & TIMP &
Snow pack temperature lag factor\tnote{(g)} &
-- & 0.01 & 1 \\
The processes represented by the parameters are:
\textsuperscript{(d)}\,channel flow,
\textsuperscript{(e)}\,surface runoff,
\textsuperscript{(f)}\,water management,
\textsuperscript{(g)}\,snow, and
\textsuperscript{(h)}\,soil water processes.