对于带有 fancyhdr 的普通页面,在 fancypagestyle 环境中无法访问自己的命令

对于带有 fancyhdr 的普通页面,在 fancypagestyle 环境中无法访问自己的命令


如果我理解正确的话,LaTeX 纯页面原理是页面遵循由主标题或章节/部分提及触发的文档标记。每次发出主标题或章节/部分 LaTeX 命令时,都会调用章节/部分标记。默认情况下,该标记根据页面样式定义的格式显示在标题中plain





% This is what we do here. We define commands like \@wgetdoc@title@maintitle
% that we need to call manually to execute their content.
    % maintitle/.code={\ifx#1\@empty\else\edef\@wgetdoc@title@maintitle{#1}\fi},
    maintitle/.store in=\@wgetdoc@title@maintitle,
    maintitle/.value required,
    subtitle/.store in=\@wgetdoc@title@subtitle,
    author/.store in=\@wgetdoc@title@author,
    filename/.store in=\@wgetdoc@title@filename,
    ownpage/.is if=@wgetdoc@title@ownpage


    % The following command is a shortcut and marginally quicker than
    % \pgfkeys{/wgetdoc/title/.cd, #1}
    % The command cannot end with the trailing / though.


        % Do not use the following check. This macro is only available in
        % xkeyval and allows just checking if a key is defined in a family from
        % a list of families.
            \ClassError{wgetdoc}{You did not specify a main title}{}

        % Check if maintitle is empty as it: maintitle=,subtitle=lorem
        % or maintitle={},subtitle=lorem
        % No need to check further as pgfkeys trims white spaces and
        % checks performed either by \ifblank (etoolbox) or
        % \@ifmtarg (ifmtarg) are lost
            \ClassError{wgetdoc}{The main title you specified is empty}{}

        % Custom horizontale rule only local to this environment

        % If this boolean key is absent of the title command, this will return
        % false. If it is only present, it will return true. Any
        % value other than 'true' or 'false' is non accepted and will make the
        % compilation crash.


                    % We always need to define \par in scope for a font size
                    % change, otherwise, if the title is ever longer than a
                    % line, it will wrap to the next line with huge characters
                    % on a normal baseline.



                        % Adds vertical space which will not be suppressed at the
                        % beginning or end of a page. Text following that statement
                        % will be at the bottom of the page.
                        {\emph{Author: \@wgetdoc@title@author}\par}%

                {\emph{Author: \@wgetdoc@title@author}\par}%





    \title[maintitle=Some title,
          subtitle=\textsc{some sub},
          author=This is me,ownpage=true]

    \chapter{My chapter name}

    \section{My section name}



如果我删除条件行 105:


但是我让 renewcommand 启用了,它按预期工作,并且我的标题在所有页面上都正确定义。


如果您喜欢该平台,请参阅 Github Gist 上的代码链接,因为它有行号:https://gist.github.com/wget/e8da2f2fb35aa741b8ddf497c827941d


您的问题是,普通的 pagestyle 在两个地方被调用。您可以通过添加以下内容轻松测试这一点\show\x


第一次是在 中调用的\pagestyle{plain}。此时 subtitle 命令尚未定义,因此几乎到处都是空标题。第二次是在\thispagestyle{plain}chapter 命令中。现在 subtitle 已定义,因为您没有\pgfqkeys{/wgetdoc/title}{#1}在组中调用。因此此页面显示 subtitle。

总体而言,我确实觉得将代码过多地基于命令顺序有点危险。我认为,如果要依赖选项,最好将 放在\pagestyletitle 命令的末尾。
