\node[align=left,draw=black,rounded corners](colOne_rowOne)
this is line 1\\
this is line 2, this is line 2
\node[below=of colOne_rowOne,align=left,draw=black,rounded corners](colOne_rowTwo)
this is line
\node[right=of colOne_rowOne,align=left,draw=black,rounded corners](colTwo_rowOne)
this is line 1\\
this is line 2, this is line 2
\node[below=of colTwo_rowOne,align=left,draw=black,rounded corners](colTwo_rowTwo)
this is line
虽然@Zarko 的答案在这种情况下有效,但我认为使用锚点更清晰:
\begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={align=left,draw=black,rounded corners}]
this is line 1\\
this is line 2, this is line 2
\node[box, below=of colOne_rowOne.south west, anchor=north west](colOne_rowTwo)
this is west-aligned
\node[box, right=of colOne_rowOne](colTwo_rowOne)
this is line 1\\
this is line 2, this is line 2
\node[box, below=of colTwo_rowOne.south east, anchor=north east](colTwo_rowTwo)
this is east-aligned
锚点就是为这个任务而设的:它们告诉当前节点的哪个点应该位于给定的坐标处。然后你可以使用键node distance
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
node distance = 3mm and 0mm,
box/.style = {shape=rectangle, draw, rounded corners, align=left}
this is line 1\\
this is line 2, this is line 2
\node[box, below right=of colOne_rowOne.south west](colOne_rowTwo)
this is line
\node[box, right=6mm of colOne_rowOne](colTwo_rowOne)
this is line 1\\
this is line 2, this is line 2
\node[box, below right=of colTwo_rowOne.south west] (colTwo_rowTwo)
this is line