\newcommand{\cst}{\colorbox{white}{\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Quelle Universum AX1}}}}
Call this think, say, \cst, and do other thinks like runing LATEX. Have a look at the output.
The output looks ne, so perhaps one of the other packages you have loaded has caused the problem. One by one try each of the packages you have in \cst problem document, in the
same order. If adding the package has no effect on the output,
如果您并非绝对需要框,请按照 Draggluon 的建议将其删除。但是,如果您需要保留它,关键是将其设置\fboxsep
\newcommand{\cst}{{\fboxsep=0pt\colorbox{white}{\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Quelle Universum AX1}}}}}
Call this think, say, \cst, and do other thinks like runing LATEX. Have a look at the output.
The output looks ne, so perhaps one of the other packages you have loaded has
caused the problem. One by one try each of the packages you have
in \cst{} problem document, in the
same order. If adding the package has no effect on the output,