

我正在创建一个使用编号列表的文档。我的列表有两个环境:常规枚举命令(一列)和个性化的两列枚举命令。我不知道这方面的正确词汇是什么,非常抱歉,我对 Latex 还不熟悉。


%my itemized lists in two columns


\begin{enumerate} % this should be numbered 1, 2
\item this is in one column
\item because this problem is worked horizontally

\begin{myitemize} % this should be numbered 3, 4 in the first row and 5, 6 in the second row, etc.
\item but these problems
\item are in two columns
\item because they are better
\item when worked vertically

\begin{enumerate} % this should be numbered 8, 9
\item but then you have to do some writing
\item which happens horizontally
\item so we are back to one column

尽管格式有所改变,但我希望继续使用数字系统。因此,我们应该看到每个项目都按 1-9 连续编号。我相信您知道,每次计数都会重置。我尝试使用 [resume] 并手动更改计数器,但这并不好,因为我经常随意返回并将项目添加到我的列表中。注意:[resume] 对 enumerate 和 myitemize 命令都非常有用!但它们不能一起工作。

我觉得这很接近:恢复在小页面内开始的列表但这不是我所需要的,因为我已经定义了自己的列表制作功能。我尝试使用 [resume*, start=5],但它似乎不适用于我的两列命令。我也在探索这一点:如何在多列环境中恢复列表编号(枚举列表)但是它并没有按照我想要的方式进行编号(也就是说,它是沿着列向下计数,而不是跨行计数,这是我已经惊慌地提交的一个问题两列数字问题)。




\usepackage{mathtools, amsfonts, amssymb, graphicx, flexisym, tasks, enumitem, multicol, mdframed, tabularx}

%my itemized lists in two columns by default


  \item this is in one column
  \item because this problem is worked horizontally

  \item but these problems
  \item are in two columns
  \item because they are better
  \item when worked vertically

  \item but then you have to do some writing
  \item which happens horizontally
  \item so we are back to one column


