我有一个非常大的文本语料库,我正在对它进行微调,以适应排版等。据我所知,缩写,如 ACAB,需要有字母间距。我找到了一些令人信服的设置,但是!我目前的设置需要我\track{ACAB}
我不喜欢使用小写字母来表示缩写——是的,我知道,但排版也是一个个人喜好问题,而我对特定应用程序和字体的喜好告诉我不要这样做。因此,所讨论的缩写只是在文本正文字体中以大写字母排版。如果因此有一个围绕它们的 LaTeX 宏,我早就处理好了。
再次:我正在寻找一种全局字距调整解决方案,它不需要在每个需要调整的缩写周围都使用宏。在 pdfLaTeX 和 中是否也可以这样做microtype
%% this is my font setting, can be disabled if the font is not there
%% the old solution
%% requires putting the \track macro around each abbreviation
%% this is too much work and also error-prone
%%%%% fix protrusion on right margin for superscript
%%%%% http://www.khirevich.com/latex/microtype/
%%%%% a VERY minor font tuning, can be disabled
%%%%% I do not want to use a similar solution also for capitals,
%%%%% as it would increase the space for capitals everywhere,
%%%%% and not only in abbreviations
{+={ ,400},-={ ,550},
1={ ,750},2={ ,500},3={ ,500},4={ ,500},5={ ,500},
6={ ,500},7={ ,600},8={ ,500},9={ ,500},0={ ,500}}
Thus, arteriolar endothelia were described to express Sca-1, but not
VEGFR3 or CD201, while sinus endothelia were positive for VEGFR3 and
CD201, but not for Sca-1. Tie-2 (CD202b) was preferentially detected
in arterial, but not in sinusoidal endothelial cells In humans, bone
marrow microvessels have up to now been primarily demonstrated in
small paraffin-embedded biopsies using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to
CD34. We have now used undecalcified serial sections of a
representative iliac crest specimen spanning about FOOBAR and a
combination of antibodies against CD34 and CD141 to analyse the 3D
arrangement of microvessel endothelium in human bone marrow.
更新:我现在正在重新评估我是否需要字母间距。不可否认,无字母间距的首字母缩略词看起来有点丑陋,但大多数其他选项也不太讨人喜欢。这是一张屏幕截图,是我手动调整字母间距的方式,以及 tugboat 首字母缩略词渲染的黑客移植版本。
%%%% tugboat abbrevs
\small\tiny%% haaack!
% \newcommand{\SMC@unknown@warning}{\warning{\string\SMC: nonstandard
% text font size command -- using \string\small}}
\newcommand{\textSMC}[1]{{\tugSMC #1}}
% \newcommand{\track}[1]{\textls[20]{\acro{#1}}}
所以,现在我不仅在思考“如何做这件事” ,而且还在考虑“我是否应该做这件事”。很抱歉给大家带来不便。