为什么 multicol 中的重新插入与平常不同?

为什么 multicol 中的重新插入与平常不同?

我最近遇到了 multicol 和 dblfnote 的问题。解决该问题的方法是将 multicol 中的定义更改\reinsert@footnote



\@reinserts与正常的 LaTeX 输出程序相符。

为什么multicol要写一个空的脚注?通常这不会有什么区别,但有时会意外添加一个空框并导致 dblfnote 中断。

\reinsert@footnote事实证明,这是代码修补 multicol 的结果,在调用之前在环境末尾放置一个装饰。这是一个 MWE:



{\typeout{Success! End Sec Ornament is On!}}
{\typeout{Patch failed! No end sec ornaments}\ERROR}
%\pagegoal=\maxdimen \reinsert@footnotes\fi}{\typeout{Patched
%reinsertion}}{\typeout{Failed to patch reinsertion}}
%The above is an effective solution to the issue

%----- code ------------
%  #1 = min space needed
%  #2 = material to be inserted before \vspace{\multicolsep}
%       but with \nointerlineskip (arguable)

\newdimen \mctempdim

 \mctempdim \dimexpr \pagegoal-\pagetotal+\pageshrink \relax
 \ifdim  \mctempdim < \dimexpr #1\relax
 {Space remaining on page:
   \the\mctempdim \space < \the\dimexpr #1\relax
   Enlarging page by
   \the\dimexpr #1-\mctempdim\relax}%
 \enlargethispage{\dimexpr #1-\mctempdim\relax}%

%--- parametrization ----------




  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.

  And now, we type some more lines, to push the ornament to the
  next page\footnote{And a footnote}.
  And now, we type some more lines, to push the ornament to the
  next page



  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.
  Here is a whole bunch of text, used as filler.


手动粘贴文本比使用 lipsum 更容易,因为它需要特定的长度。



正如所写,重新插入会给 dblfnote 带来问题,因为该包除了使用通常的插入机制外,还保留了一个并行列表,当添加一个空框而不在该并行列表中时,就会出现问题。将其更改为\unvbox可能只会让我们插入一个空框,这不会弄乱列表。
