

我正在寻找一些演示模板并发现了这个: https://www.sharelatex.com/project/59b82451befd3747d21dd824

%%% options passed to the outer theme
%    progressstyle=fixedCircCnt,   %either fixedCircCnt, movCircCnt, or corner
%    rotationcw,          % change the rotation direction from counter-clockwise to clockwise
%    shownavsym          % show the navigation symbols


% colored hyperlinks

\title{The AAU Simple Beamer Theme}

\subtitle{v.\ 1.2.1}  % could also be a conference name


  Jesper Kjær Nielsen\\
  \href{mailto:[email protected]}{{\tt [email protected]}}


  Dept.\ of Electronic Systems\\
  Aalborg University\\
] % optional - is placed in the bottom of the sidebar on every slide
{% is placed on the bottom of the title page
  Department of Electronic Systems\\
  Aalborg University\\

  %there must be an empty line above this line - otherwise some unwanted space is added between the university and the country (I do not know why;( )

% specify a logo on the titlepage (you can specify additional logos an include them in 
% institute command below
\pgfdeclareimage[height=1.5cm]{titlepagelogo}{AAUgraphics/aau_logo_new} % placed on the title page
%\pgfdeclareimage[height=1.5cm]{titlepagelogo2}{AAUgraphics/aau_logo_new} % placed on the title page
\titlegraphic{% is placed on the bottom of the title page
%  \hspace{1cm}\pgfuseimage{titlepagelogo2}

% the titlepage
\begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering] % the plain option removes the header from the title page


我的问题是:如何定制该 .tex 代码以使用不同机构的徽标?



在AAUsimple主题的官方网站上(kom.aau.dk/~jkn/latex/latex.php) 它说:

如果你喜欢 AAU Simple 主题,但与奥尔堡大学没有关系,我建议你看看奥尔堡主题

Aalborg可以使用 beamers 命令指定徽标\logo





