如何使用 ModernCV 将 bibtex 参考类型拆分为简历中的不同部分

如何使用 ModernCV 将 bibtex 参考类型拆分为简历中的不同部分

我正在尝试将参考书目中的文章分成简历上的两个不同部分。例如,以下 MWE 有 3 个 bibtex 键,其中两个引文应出现在第一部分,一个引文应出现在第二部分。

\usepackage[left=3cm, right=2cm]{geometry}



% personal data


    \cventry{start-end}{<Position Held>}{<Name of employer>}{<Place>}{<Country>}{<Description>} % arguments 3 to 6 are optional

    \printbibliography[title={Peer-Reviewed Journal articles}]

    \printbibliography[title={Peer-Reviewed Journal articles in press}]


使用 bib 文件Downey.bib

% Encoding: ISO-8859-1

  author    = {\textbf{Author 1} and Author 2 and Author 3 and Author 4 and Author 5},
  title     = {Research paper},
  journal   = {Journal of science},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {065008},
  month     = {may},
  doi       = {10.1088/1361-665x/aa6b66},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-665x%2Faa6b66},

  author    = {\textbf{Author 1} and Author 2 and Author 3 and Author 4 and Author 5},
  title     = {Research paper},
  journal   = {Journal of science},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {065008},
  month     = {may},
  doi       = {10.1088/1361-665x/aa6b66},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-665x%2Faa6b66},

  author    = {\textbf{Author 1} and Author 2 and Author 3 and Author 4 and Author 5},
  title     = {Research paper},
  journal   = {Journal of science},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {065008},
  month     = {may},
  doi       = {10.1088/1361-665x/aa6b66},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-665x%2Faa6b66},

@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}

最终的简历如下: 在此处输入图片描述

请注意,每个 bib 条目出现在每个部分中。我如何将这些部分分开,以便条目仅出现在一个部分中?



您需要将该条目添加keywords到 bib 条目中。

请参阅以下 MWE

  author    = {\textbf{Author 1} and Author 2 and Author 3 and Author 4 and Author 5},
  title     = {Research paper},
  journal   = {Journal of science},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {065008},
  month     = {may},
  doi       = {10.1088/1361-665x/aa6b66},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-665x%2Faa6b66},
  keywords  = {press},
  author    = {\textbf{Author 1} and Author 2 and Author 3 and Author 4 and Author 5},
  title     = {Research paper},
  journal   = {Journal of science},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {065008},
  month     = {may},
  doi       = {10.1088/1361-665x/aa6b66},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-665x%2Faa6b66},
  keywords  = {no_press},
  author    = {\textbf{Author 1} and Author 2 and Author 3 and Author 4 and Author 5},
  title     = {Research paper},
  journal   = {Journal of science},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {065008},
  month     = {may},
  doi       = {10.1088/1361-665x/aa6b66},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-665x%2Faa6b66},
  keywords  = {press},

\usepackage[left=3cm, right=2cm]{geometry}



% personal data


    \cventry{start-end}{<Position Held>}{<Name of employer>}{<Place>}{<Country>}{<Description>} % arguments 3 to 6 are optional

    \printbibliography[keyword={no_press},title={Peer-Reviewed Journal articles}]

    \printbibliography[keyword={press},title={Peer-Reviewed Journal articles in press}]





我最终使用了一个效果很好的\bibentry{}列表方法 enumerate。我只需要编译文档几次即可生成 .aux 文件,然后使用 bibtex 编译生成 .bbl 文件,最后再编译一次即可查看 PDF。使用以下主脚本,

%%%%%%%%            READ THIS TO GET IT TO COMPILE CORRECTLY                %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%                                                                    %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%                                                                    %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% To get it to compile it is a 3 step process                        %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% 1) Build and compile (F5 in TexStudio) to generate the .aux file   %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% 2) Run bibtex (F8 or Tools>Commands>BibTeX in TexStudio)           %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% 1) Build and compile (F5 in TexStudio) to generate the PDF         %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%                                                                    %%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%% adding packages for bibtex publications  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\usepackage[colorlinks=true,breaklinks=true]{hyperref}     % commented out as is already in modern CV
\usepackage[numbers]{natbib}                                            % added to get rid of the "\lonely item" error. everthing in this list works [square,sort,comma,numbers]
\usepackage{enumitem}           % added for adjusting the indent of publications. adjusted locally at each list

% define the personal data used in the CV
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\address{University}{City in a State} 
\email{[email protected]} 

    \section{Professional Academic Experience}
        \cvitem{2018 - present}{\textbf{Assistant Professor}, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of a City in a State.}
    \section*{Publication Sub-list 1}
        \begin{enumerate}[itemsep=1ex, leftmargin=2.5cm,labelsep=0.3cm]
            \item \bibentry{Hong2019TransverseVibrationClamped}
            \item \bibentry{Yan2019CapacitancebasedSensor}
    \section*{Publication Sub-list 2}
        \begin{enumerate}[itemsep=1ex, leftmargin=2.5cm,labelsep=0.3cm]
            \item \bibentry{Downey2020MillisecondModelUpdating}
            \item \bibentry{Downey2019Durabilityweatherabilitystyrene}


这是在 publications.bib 文件中的 bibref

% Encoding: UTF-8
# References (.bib) file for publications

  author  = {Jin Yan and Austin Downey and An Chen and Simon Laflamme and Sammy Hassan},
  title   = {Capacitance-based Sensor With Layered Carbon-fiber Reinforced Polymer and Titania-filled Epoxy},
  journal = {Composite Structures},
  year    = {2019},
  volume  = {227},
  pages   = {111247},
  issn    = {0263-8223},
  doi     = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111247},
  url     = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263822319312905},

  author    = {Austin Downey and Jonathan Hong and Jacob Dodson and Michael Carroll and James Scheppegrell},
  journal   = {Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing},
  title     = {Millisecond model updating for structures experiencing unmodeled high-rate dynamic events},
  year      = {2020},
  month     = {April},
  pages     = {106551},
  volume    = {138},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.106551},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

  author    = {Jonathan Hong and Jacob Dodson and Simon Laflamme and Austin Downey},
  journal   = {Applied Sciences},
  title     = {Transverse Vibration of Clamped-Pinned-Free Beam with Mass at Free End},
  year      = {2019},
  month     = jul,
  number    = {15},
  pages     = {2996},
  volume    = {9},
  doi       = {10.3390/app9152996},
  publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.3390/app9152996},

  author  = {Jin Yan and Austin Downey and An Chen and Simon Laflamme and Sammy Hassan},
  journal = {Composite Structures},
  title   = {Capacitance-based Sensor With Layered Carbon-fiber Reinforced Polymer and Titania-filled Epoxy},
  year    = {2019},
  issn    = {0263-8223},
  pages   = {111247},
  volume  = {227},
  doi     = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111247},
  url     = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263822319312905},

  author    = {Austin Downey and Anna Laura Pisello and Elena Fortunati and Claudia Fabiani and Francesca Luzi and Luigi Torre and Filippo Ubertini and Simon Laflamme},
  journal   = {Sensors and Actuators A: Physical},
  title     = {Durability and weatherability of a styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene ({SEBS}) block copolymer-based sensing skin for civil infrastructure applications},
  year      = {2019},
  month     = jul,
  pages     = {269--280},
  volume    = {293},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.sna.2019.04.022},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2019.04.022},

@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}

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