错误信息:!缺少}插入。} l.116 \end{参考书目}

错误信息:!缺少}插入。} l.116 \end{参考书目}


!缺失 } 插入。 } l.116 \end{thebibliography}

我之前在这里读过类似的问题,说错误出在我的参考书目中而不是主代码中,但我在参考书目中找不到缺少的括号或任何其他可能导致第 116 行之前出现问题的东西。

这是我的参考书目;(我把<第 116 行>放在这里向你展示它在哪里,请注意这不是我实际代码的一部分)

  AUTHOR    = {S. Foss and D. Korshunov and S. Zachary},
  TITLE     = {Heavy-tailed and long-tailed distributions},
  BOOKTITLE = {An Introduction to Heavy-Tailed and Subexponential 
  PAGES     = {7--42},
  YEAR      = {2013},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer}}

  TITLE        = {The Pareto Distribution},
  YEAR         = {2011},
   LAST EDITED  = {23 June 2011}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 30 August 2017]"}}

  AUTHOR    = {L. Rojas-Nandayapa and W. Xie},
  TITLE     = {Asympotoic tail behavior of phase-type scale mixture 
  YEAR      = {2017},
  PAGES     = {1--6},
  JOURNAL   = {Annals of Actuarial Science},
  PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}}

  AUTHOR    = {P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, I. Felko},
  TITLE     = {Phase-Type Distributions},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR      = {2014},
  PAGES     = {5--10, 125--128}}

  AUTHOR    = {M. Bladt and L. Nandayapapa},
  TITLE     = {Fitting Phase-type Mixtures to Heavy-tailed Data and 
  YEAR      = {2017},
  JOURNAL   = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.04357},
  PAGES     = {1--11}}

  AUTHOR    = {Ahn, Soohan and H.T. Kim, Joseph and Ramaswami, V},
  TITLE     = {A New Class of Models for Heavy Tailed Distributions in 
Finance and Insurance Risk},
  YEAR      = {2012},
  MONTH     = {07},
  VOLUME    = {51},
  BOOKTITLE = {Insurance: Mathematics and Economics}}

  AUTHOR       = {Wikipedia®},
  TITLE        = {Heavy-tailed distribution},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy-
 LAST EDITED  = {10 June 2017}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 10 June 2017]"}}

  AURTHOR      = {S. Zheng},
  TITLE        = {Sufficient Statistics and Exponential Family Lecturer},
  YEAR         = {n.d},
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 31 June 2017]"}}

  AURTHOR      = {M.E. Clapham},
  TITLE        = {Maximum likelihood estimation},
  YEAR         = {2016},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vh98ful3_M}},
  LAST EDITED  = {05 March 2016}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 01 August 2017]"}}

  AURTHOR      = {Andale},
  TITLE        = {Pareto Distribution Definition},
  YEAR         = {2015},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {url{http://www.statisticshowto.com/pareto-distribution}},
  LAST EDITED  = {06 May 2015}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 22 July 2017]"}}

  AUTHOR = {Vatamidou, Eleni},
  TITLE  = {Error analysis of structured Markov chains},
  YEAR   = {2015},
  SCHOOL = {Technische Universiteit Eindhoven}}  

  AUTHOR    = {S. Asmussen and O. Nerman and M. Olsson}, 
  TITLE     = {Fitting Phase-Type Distributions via the EM Algorithm},
  YEAR      = {1996},
  ISSN      = {03036898, 14679469},
  URL       = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4616418}, 
  JOURNAL   = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics}, 
  NUMBER    = {4},
  PAGES     = {419--441},
  PUBLISHER = {Board of the Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of 
  Statistics, Wiley},
  VOLUME    = {23}}

 AUTHOR       = {H. Yao and L. Rojas-Nandayapa, and T. Taimre},
 TITLE        = {Estimating tail probabilities of random sums of infinite 
mixtures of phase-type distributions},
 YEAR         = {2016},
 BOOKTITLE    = {Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference},
 PAGES       = {347--358},

  AUTHOR    = {Figueiredo, Mario AT}, 
  TITLE     = {Lecture Notes on the EM Algorithm},
  YEAR      = {2004},
    PUBLISHER = {Citeseer}}

  AUTHOR   = {Breuer, Lothar},
  TITLE    = {Introduction to stochastic processes},
  YEAR     = {2014},
  JOURNAL  = {Lecture Notes, Univ. Kent}}

 <LINE 116>     AUTHOR   = {Esparza, Luz Judith R and Nielsen, Bo Friis and Bladt, 
  TITLE    = {Maximum likelihood estimation of phase-type distributions},
  YEAR     = {2010},
  SCHOOL   = {Technical University of DenmarkDanmarks Tekniske Universitet, 
Department of Applied                    Mathematics and Computer 
ScienceInstitut for Matematik og Computer Science}}

  AUTHOR    = {V. Brazauskas and A. Kleefeld},
  TITLE     = {Modeling severity and measuring tail risk of Norwegian fire 
  YEAR      = {2016},
  JOURNAL   = {North American Actuarial Journal},
  VOLUME    = {20},
  NUMBER    = {1},
  PAGES     = {1--16},
  PUBLISHER = {Taylor \& Francis}}

  AUTHOR    = {Dempster, Arthur P and Laird, Nan M and Rubin, Donald B},
  TITLE     = {Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM 
  YEAR      = {1977},
  JOURNAL   = {Journal of the royal statistical society. Series B 
  PAGES     = {1--38},

  AUTHOR    = {Borman, Sean},
  TITLE     = {The expectation maximization algorithm - a short tutorial},
  YEAR      = {2004},
  JOURNAL   = {Submitted for publication},
  PAGES     = {1--9}}

  AUTHOR       = {Wikipedia®},
  TITLE        = {Power Law},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law}},
  LAST EDITED  = {12 July 2017}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 12 July 2017]"}}

  AUTHOR    = {Embrechts, Paul and Kluppelberg, Claudia and Mikosch, 
  TITLE     = {Modelling extremal events: for insurance and finance},
  YEAR      = {2013},
  VOLUME    = {33},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer Science \& Business Media}}

  TITLE        = {The mean excess loss function},
  YEAR         = {2011},
  LAST EDITED  = {25 June 2011}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 30 August 2017]"}}

  TITLE        = {EVIM: A software package for extreme value analysis in 
  AUTHOR       = {Genccay, Ramazan and Selccuk, Faruk and Ulugulyagci, 
  JOURNAL      = {Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics \& Econometrics},
  VOLUMN       = {5},
  NUMBER       = {3},
  YEAR         = {2001}}

       title={Estimating the tails of loss severity distributions using 
   value theory},
       author={McNeil, Alexander J},
       journal={ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA},
       publisher={Cambridge University Press}}


嗯,您给出的 bib 代码有几个错误。让我们看看 bib entry ParetoDist2011。更正后的版本是:

  TITLE        = {The Pareto Distribution},
  YEAR         = {2011},
  howpublished = {\url{https://statisticalmodeling.wordpress.com/2011/06/25/the-mean-excess-loss-function}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {23 June 2011}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 30 August 2017]"},

您错过了\之前的url{, 中的空白LAST EDITED会导致错误消息 ( missing =)。在其他条目中,您使用 屏蔽了 url %\%加载包urlhyperref不再需要的内容后...

以下 MWE 编译时没有错误,只有一个警告(好的,来自用于将filecontentsbib 文件和 TeX 代码保存在一个 MWE 中的包):

  author    = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and 
               Samarin, Alexander},
  title     = {The LaTeX Companion},
  edition   = {1},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  location  = {Reading, Mass.},
  year      = {1994},
  title     = {The Restaurant at the End of the Universe},
  author    = {Douglas Adams},
  series    = {The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy},
  publisher = {Pan Macmillan},
  year      = {1980},
  AUTHOR    = {S. Foss and D. Korshunov and S. Zachary},
  TITLE     = {Heavy-tailed and long-tailed distributions},
  BOOKTITLE = {An Introduction to Heavy-Tailed and Subexponential Distributions},
  journal   = {MISSING},
  PAGES     = {7--42},
  YEAR      = {2013},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  TITLE        = {The Pareto Distribution},
  YEAR         = {2011},
  howpublished = {\url{https://statisticalmodeling.wordpress.com/2011/06/25/the-mean-excess-loss-function}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {23 June 2011}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 30 August 2017]"},
  AUTHOR    = {L. Rojas-Nandayapa and W. Xie},
  TITLE     = {Asympotoic tail behavior of phase-type scale mixture 
  YEAR      = {2017},
  PAGES     = {1--6},
  JOURNAL   = {Annals of Actuarial Science},
  PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}}

  AUTHOR    = {P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, I. Felko},
  TITLE     = {Phase-Type Distributions},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  YEAR      = {2014},
  PAGES     = {5--10, 125--128}}

  AUTHOR    = {M. Bladt and L. Nandayapapa},
  TITLE     = {Fitting Phase-type Mixtures to Heavy-tailed Data and 
  YEAR      = {2017},
  JOURNAL   = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.04357},
  PAGES     = {1--11}}

  AUTHOR    = {Ahn, Soohan and H.T. Kim, Joseph and Ramaswami, V},
  TITLE     = {A New Class of Models for Heavy Tailed Distributions in 
               Finance and Insurance Risk},
  YEAR      = {2012},
  MONTH     = {07},
  VOLUME    = {51},
  BOOKTITLE = {Insurance: Mathematics and Economics},
  journal   = {MISSING},

  AUTHOR       = {Wikipedia},
  TITLE        = {Heavy-tailed distribution},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy-tailed_distribution}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {10 June 2017}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 10 June 2017]"}}

  AURTHOR      = {S. Zheng},
  TITLE        = {Sufficient Statistics and Exponential Family Lecturer},
  YEAR         = {n.d},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{http://people.missouristate.edu/songfengzheng/Teaching/MTH541/Lecture%20notes/Sufficient.pdf}},
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 31 June 2017]"}}

  AURTHOR      = {M.E. Clapham},
  TITLE        = {Maximum likelihood estimation},
  YEAR         = {2016},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vh98ful3_M}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {05 March 2016}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 01 August 2017]"}}

  AURTHOR      = {Andale},
  TITLE        = {Pareto Distribution Definition},
  YEAR         = {2015},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{http://www.statisticshowto.com/pareto-distribution}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {06 May 2015}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 22 July 2017]"}}

  AUTHOR = {Vatamidou, Eleni},
  TITLE  = {Error analysis of structured Markov chains},
  YEAR   = {2015},
  SCHOOL = {Technische Universiteit Eindhoven}}  

  AUTHOR    = {S. Asmussen and O. Nerman and M. Olsson}, 
  TITLE     = {Fitting Phase-Type Distributions via the EM Algorithm},
  YEAR      = {1996},
  ISSN      = {03036898, 14679469},
  URL       = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4616418}, 
  JOURNAL   = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics}, 
  NUMBER    = {4},
  PAGES     = {419--441},
  PUBLISHER = {Board of the Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of 
               Statistics, Wiley},
  VOLUME    = {23}}

  AUTHOR    = {Figueiredo, Mario AT}, 
  TITLE     = {Lecture Notes on the EM Algorithm},
  YEAR      = {2004},
  JOURNAL   = {\url{http://www.stat.duke.edu/courses/Spring06/sta376/Support/EM/EM.Mixtures.}},
  PUBLISHER = {Citeseer}}

 AUTHOR       = {H. Yao and L. Rojas-Nandayapa and T. Taimre},
 TITLE        = {Estimating tail probabilities of random sums of infinite 
                 mixtures of phase-type distributions},
 YEAR         = {2016},
 BOOKTITLE    = {Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference},
 PAGES        = {347--358},

  AUTHOR   = {Breuer, Lothar},
  TITLE    = {Introduction to stochastic processes},
  YEAR     = {2014},
  JOURNAL  = {Lecture Notes, Univ. Kent}}

  AUTHOR   = {Esparza, Luz Judith R and Nielsen, Bo Friis and 
              Bladt, Mogens},
  TITLE    = {Maximum likelihood estimation of phase-type distributions},
  YEAR     = {2010},
  SCHOOL   = {Technical University of DenmarkDanmarks Tekniske Universitet, 
              Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer 
              ScienceInstitut for Matematik og Computer Science},
  AUTHOR    = {V. Brazauskas and A. Kleefeld},
  TITLE     = {Modeling severity and measuring tail risk of Norwegian fire 
  YEAR      = {2016},
  JOURNAL   = {North American Actuarial Journal},
  VOLUME    = {20},
  NUMBER    = {1},
  PAGES     = {1--16},
  PUBLISHER = {Taylor \& Francis}}

  AUTHOR    = {Dempster, Arthur P and Laird, Nan M and Rubin, Donald B},
  TITLE     = {Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM 
  YEAR      = {1977},
  JOURNAL   = {Journal of the royal statistical society. Series B 
  PAGES     = {1--38},

  AUTHOR    = {Borman, Sean},
  TITLE     = {The expectation maximization algorithm - a short tutorial},
  YEAR      = {2004},
  JOURNAL   = {Submitted for publication},
  PAGES     = {1--9}}

  AUTHOR       = {Wikipedia},
  TITLE        = {Power Law},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {12 July 2017}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 12 July 2017]"}}

  AUTHOR    = {Embrechts, Paul and Kluppelberg, Claudia and 
               Mikosch, Thomas},
  TITLE     = {Modelling extremal events: for insurance and finance},
  YEAR      = {2013},
  VOLUME    = {33},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer Science \& Business Media}}

  TITLE        = {The mean excess loss function},
  YEAR         = {2011},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{https://statisticalmodeling.wordpress.com/2011/06/25/the-mean-excess-loss-function/}},
  LAST_EDITED  = {25 June 2011}, 
  NOTE         = {"[Online; accessed 30 August 2017]"}}

  TITLE        = {EVIM: A software package for extreme value analysis in 
  AUTHOR       = {Genccay, Ramazan and Selccuk, Faruk and 
                  Ulugulyagci, Abdurrahman},
  JOURNAL      = {Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics \& Econometrics},
  VOLUMe       = {5},
  NUMBER       = {3},
  YEAR         = {2001},
  title={Estimating the tails of loss severity distributions using 
         extreme value theory},
  author={McNeil, Alexander J},
  journal={ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA},
  publisher={Cambridge University Press}}


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This is text with \cite{Goossens} and \cite{adams}.

\nocite{*} % to test all bib entrys


第一个 pdf 页如下:

第一页 pdf

请将 used 更改\bibliographystyle为您使用的那个。这可能会导致其他错误...



  1. 如果您在参考书目中使用 URL,下划线字符将会出现问题。我通常在 Bibtex 条目_中用替换\_。结果将显示_。例如,

    HOWPUBLISHED = {url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law}},


    HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power\_law}},
  2. 缺少一些数据

    • BibTeX 排序,需要作者或输入 ParetoDist2011
    • BibTeX 排序,需要作者或键入 Zheng
    • 使用 BibTeX 进行排序,需要作者或输入 Clapham2016
    • BibTeX 排序,需要作者或输入 Andale2015
    • 使用 BibTeX 进行排序,需要作者或输入 Mean2011
    • AhmSoohanKimJosephRamaswani2012 中的 BibTeX 空日志
    • FossKorshunovZachary2013 中的 BibTeX 空日志
    • BibTeX Genccay2001 中有数字但没有卷
  3. 还有其他一些问题

    • 第 13 行:HOWPUBLISHED ={url{https://...}},使用而url{不是\url {... }
    • 第 16 行:其中有LAST EDITED一个空格。即使这不是一个有效字段,如果名称中没有空格,也不会导致错误。
    • 第 53 行:具有{Wikipedia®}特殊字符
    • 第 55 行:同样的错误HOWPUBLISHED
    • 第 56 行:同样的错误LAST EDITED
    • 第 74 行:同样的错误LAST EDITED
    • 第 82 行:同样的错误LAST EDITED
    • 第 113 行:密钥AsmussenNermanOlsson1996重复
    • 第 168 行:同样的错误LAST EDITED
    • 第 185 行:同样的错误LAST EDITED
