我想将我的页面格式化为两列,除节标签后的第一个段落命令外,其他段落命令都可以正常工作。它仍为一列格式。我不知道为什么。 \paragraph{sources:https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_network_configuration. } 是我有点麻烦的标签。如果可以的话,我需要一些有关我的乳胶结构的反馈。
下面的代码是我的 tex 文件。
\author{An Pham}
\title{Wireless Configuration Setting }
\paragraph{sources: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless\_network\_configuration. }
\paragraph{The following guide is meant to clarify to process to configure the wireless interfaces as well as activating it. This is also being part of GNU Free Documentation License.}
\paragraph{According to wiki.archlinux.ord, wirless netowrk configuration can be broken into 4 parts which are activating interfaces, discovering access points, connetcing with wireless interface, and ip configuration. The first three stages are mostly need the manual configuration, and the final stage can be executated automatically by the system.
\documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4papaer,twocolumn]{article}% 14pt font size is not defined!
\author{An Pham}
\title{Wireless Configuration Setting }
\paragraph{sources: \url{https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless\_network\_configuration} }
\paragraph{The following guide is meant to clarify to process to configure the wireless interfaces as well as activating it. This is also being part of GNU Free Documentation License.}
\paragraph{According to wiki.archlinux.ord, wirless netowrk configuration can be broken into 4 parts which are activating interfaces, discovering access points, connetcing with wireless interface, and ip configuration. The first three stages are mostly need the manual configuration, and the final stage can be executated automatically by the system.