如何插入带有表格的 pdf/word 文件并在 latex 中书写?

如何插入带有表格的 pdf/word 文件并在 latex 中书写?

我必须填写一份表格,我想用 Latex 填写。我怎样才能插入包含表格的 pdf/word 文件,并用 Latex 在上面书写?



我和 Henri 的理解不同 - 我假设您想在已经存在的 PDF 文件上书写。(如果您有 Word 文件,则需要先转换为 PDF。)




% text bold and red just for this example. Text nodes will be aligned
% by their bottom left corners.      
\tikzstyle{every node}=[anchor=base west,text=red,font=\bfseries]

% save the existing form in a box; we use the size of that 
% box to scale the coordinates. That way, the text elements will
% stay in their right places in case the graphic is resized later.


% define coordinate grid relative to box width

  \draw[step=.1in,gray,very thin] (0,0) grid (#1,#2);
  \draw[step=.5in,black,very thin] (0,0) grid (#1,#2);

% insert background image
\node at (0,0){\usebox{\mybox}};

% draw help lines. comment out once you are done placing the text elements.
\draw[step=0.25\gridstep,black!20,very thin] (0,0) grid (\boxwidth,\boxheight);
\draw[step=\gridstep,black,very thin] (0,0) grid (\boxwidth,\boxheight);

% the text elements. the coordinates in brackets are in units of 
% the major (black) help lines. 
(0.75,5.05) node {Pomegranate}
(1.75,4.75) node {roasted marshmallow}
(1.5,4.4)   node {Pokemons}
% a text node with line breaks and non-standard positioning
(1.5,0.75)  node[anchor=north west,text width=1in]
                {Mom,\\Dad,\\lil brotha.}


