>{\raggedright }p{0.35\linewidth}
>{\raggedright }p{0.35\linewidth}
& Patching & Small-dictionary fitting \\
Rationale for use & remove elements inconvenient to compress & keep only elements inconveient to compress \\
Intended scope of application & minimum necessary & maximum possible \\
Number of elements remaining to compress after application & the full column's length & less than full column length (hopefully much less) \\
Elements inconveient to compress reside in & the smaller subcolumn & the smaller subcolumn \\
Compression ratio of affected data & very poor (worse than uncompressed) & very good (probably better than rest of data) \\
Potential for overhead & per each patched position & per each original column element \\
Repeat application & useless & relevant, possibly even with same-or-lower width \\
- 行间距大于单元格间距,使得行看起来好像是断开的,但实际上并没有,反之亦然
- 我宁愿不必手动调整列宽和缩放比例
- 下面有足够的空间
\small % if you prefer
>{\RaggedRight }X<{\unskip\strut}
>{\RaggedRight }X<{\unskip\strut}
& \bfseries Patching & \bfseries Small-dictionary fitting \\
Rationale for use &
remove elements inconvenient to compress &
keep only elements inconvenient to compress \\
Intended scope of application &
minimum necessary &
maximum possible \\
Number of elements remaining to compress after application &
the full column's length &
less than full column length (hopefully much less) \\
Elements inconvenient to compress reside in &
the smaller subcolumn &
the smaller subcolumn \\
Compression ratio of affected data &
very poor (worse than uncompressed) &
very good (probably better than rest of data) \\
Potential for overhead &
per each patched position &
per each original column element \\
Repeat application &
useless &
relevant, possibly even with same-or-lower width \\
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash }X
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash }X
& \bfseries Patching & \bfseries Small-dictionary fitting \\
Rationale for use & remove elements inconvenient to compress & keep only elements inconveient to compress \\
Intended scope of application & minimum necessary & maximum possible \\
Number of elements remaining to compress after application & the full column's length & less than full column length (hopefully much less) \\
Elements inconveient to compress reside in & the smaller subcolumn & the smaller subcolumn \\
Compression ratio of affected data & very poor (worse than uncompressed) & very good (probably better than rest of data) \\
Potential for overhead & per each patched position & per each original column element \\
Repeat application & useless & relevant, possibly even with same-or-lower width \\