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\title{\Huge C++ \\\qquad\textcolor{RedOrange}{Primer}}
\author{\textbf{Stanley B.Lippman} \and \textbf{Jos\'ee Lajoie} \and \textbf{Barbara E.Moo}}
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\chapter{Getting Started}
\section{Writing a Simple C++ Program}
\subsection{Compiling and Executing Our Program}
Explain whether the following program fragment is legal.
std::cout << "The sum of " << v1;
<< " and " << v2;
<< " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl;
If the program is legal, what does it do? If the program is not legal, why
not? How would you fix it?
\section{A First Look at Input/Output}
\section{A Word about Comments}
\section{Flow of Control}
\subsection{The while Statement}
\subsection{The for Statement}
\subsection{Reading an Unknown Number of Inputs}
\subsection{The if Statement}
\section{Introducing Classes}
\subsection{The Sales\_item Class}
\subsection{A First Look at Member Functions}
\section{The Bookstore Program}
\section*{Chapter Summary} \markright{Chapter Summary} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Chapter Summary}
\section*{Defined Terms} \markright{Defined Terms} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Defined Terms}
\part{The Basics}
\chapter{Variables and Basic Types}
\section{Primitive Built-in Types}
\subsection{Arithmetic Types}
\subsection{Type Conversions}
\chapter{The Library}
\section{Library Names and Headers}
\chapter{New features in C++11}
TeXnician 正确地识别了问题,注意到\end{lstlisting}
在逐字环境中,使用空格和/或制表符的缩进会被环境捕获为数据,这与典型的 TeX 不同,在 TeX 中缩进的空格会被忽略。
根据 TeX 惯例,逐字制表符显示为。为什么会这样?我们中那些年纪足够大、只记得处理 ASCII 的人会记得制表符 (ASCII 9) 相当于 CTL-I,其中I
是字母表中的第 9 个字母(^
历史上曾用于表示 CTL 键;因此我们这一代人立即将其识别^I
为键盘输入 CTL-I)。
显然,Knuth 想要为那些已经熟悉当时广泛使用的语法的人保留这一概念。至于他如何在 TeX 中实现它,他在 TeXbook 第 45 页描述了一种巧妙的技术,即使用^^
允许直接访问所有 128 个 ASCII 代码。