

我想随机化枚举项的顺序(我知道有解决方案),但我还想修复其中一个条目。换句话说,我想随机化数字 1-10,但让 6 位于第 6 位。有解决方案吗?




% code for generating a random permutation
\newcounter{randomListLength}%   current length of our random list
\newcounter{randomListPosition}% current list index
\newcounter{newRandomListElementPosition}% position to insert new element
% insert #1 into the next position of \newRandomList unless the position
% index \randomListPosition is equal to \newRandomListElementPosition in
% which case the \newRandomListElement is added first
% \randomlyInsertInList{list name}{new list length}{new element}
    \def\newRandomList{}% start with an empty list
    \def\newRandomListElement{#3}% and the element that we need to add
    \setcounter{randomListPosition}{0}% starting from position 0

% define some pgfkeys to allow key-value arguments
\pgfkeys{/randomList/.is family, /randomList,
  environment/.code = {\global\letcs\beginRandomListEnvironment{#1}
  enumerate/.style = {environment=enumerate},
  itemize/.style = {environment=itemize},
  description/.style = {environment=description},
  seed/.code = {\pgfmathsetseed{#1}}
\pgfkeys{/randomList, enumerate}% enumerate is the default

% finally, the code to construct the randomly permuted list
\newcounter{randomListCounter}% for constructing \randomListItem@<k>'s

% \useRandomItem{k} prints item number k
\newcommand\useRandomItem[1]{\csname randomListItem@#1\endcsname}

% \setRandomItem{k} saves item number k for future use
% and builds a random permutation at the same time
       \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname randomListItem@\therandomListCounter\endcsname{\noexpand\item#1}%
\newenvironment{randomList}[1][]{% optional argument -> pgfkeys
  \pgfkeys{/randomList, #1}% process optional arguments
  \setcounter{randomListLength}{0}% initialise length of random list
  \def\randomlyOrderedList{}% initialise the random list of items
  % Nthing is printed in the main environment. Instead, \item is
  % used to slurp the "contents" of the item into randomListItem@<counter>
{% now construct the list environment by looping over the randomly ordered list

% test compatibility with enumitem
\newlist{Testlist}{enumerate}{1} %
\setlist{nosep}\parindent=0pt% for more compact output


    Do the following give categorical, discrete, or continuous responses?
    \item 1

    \item 2

    \item 3

    \item 4

    \item 5

    \item 6

    \item 7

    \item 8

    \item 9

    \item 10



好的,我已经修改了上一篇文章中的代码,以允许环境\fixedItem中出现 a randomList。原始代码的想法是,当环境打开时,-thk定义\item一个内部宏\randomListItem@<k>,然后在环境关闭时以随机顺序打印出这些宏。新宏\fixedItem定义一个内部宏\fixedItem@<k>,如果存在,则在步骤中打印k。这破坏了以前代码的一些“优雅”,因为我必须在几个地方添加额外的计数器,但这还不算太糟:)


    \item 1

    \item 2

    \item 3

    \fixedItem 4 fixed!

    \item 5

    \fixedItem 6 fixed!

    \fixedItem 7 fixed

    \item 8

    \item 9

    \fixedItem 10 fixed!

    \fixedItem 11 fixed!


将生成(根据 pgf 种子最多为一个随机排列)列表:


你可以拥有任意多个固定项目,它们可以出现在列表中的任何位置。就像我之前的代码一样随机列表环境, 你\item每个块末尾都需要有一个空行 ,包括最后一个。该代码可与任何枚举类环境一起使用,包括使用枚举项包。有关详细信息,请参阅我之前的解决方案。



% code for generating a random permutation
\newcounter{randomListLength}%   current length of our random list
\newcounter{randomListPosition}% current list index
\newcounter{newRandomListElementPosition}% position to insert new element
% insert #1 into the next position of \newRandomList unless the position
% index \randomListPosition is equal to \newRandomListElementPosition in
% which case the \newRandomListElement is added first
% \randomlyInsertInList{list name}{new list length}{new element}
    \def\newRandomList{}% start with an empty list
    \def\newRandomListElement{#3}% and the element that we need to add
    \setcounter{randomListPosition}{0}% starting from position 0

% define some pgfkeys to allow key-value arguments
\pgfkeys{/randomList/.is family, /randomList,
  environment/.code = {\global\letcs\beginRandomListEnvironment{#1}
  enumerate/.style = {environment=enumerate},
  itemize/.style = {environment=itemize},
  description/.style = {environment=description},
  seed/.code = {\pgfmathsetseed{#1}}
\pgfkeys{/randomList, enumerate}% enumerate is the default

% finally, the code to construct the randomly permuted list
\newcounter{randomListCounter}% for constructing \randomListItem@<k>'s
\newcounter{randomListItemLength}%  number of items in the random list used to construct \randomListItem@<k>'s

% \useRandomItem{k} prints item number k
  \printFixedItemIfItExists\csname randomListItem@#1\endcsname%
\newcommand\printFixedItemIfItExists{% prints fixedItem@<randomListCounter>} if it exits and increments the counter
  \expandafter\ifcsdef\expandafter{fixedItem@\therandomListCounter}{% insert fixed item
        \expandafter\csname fixedItem@\therandomListCounter\endcsname\stepcounter{randomListCounter}}{}%
  \expandafter\ifcsdef\expandafter{fixedItem@\therandomListCounter}{\printFixedItemIfItExists}{}% checked fixed item

% \setRandomItem{k} saves item number k for future use
% and builds a random permutation at the same time
       \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname randomListItem@\therandomListCounter\endcsname{\noexpand\item#1}%

% \fixedItem{k} saves item number k for future use
% and builds a random permutation at the same time
   \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname fixedItem@\therandomListCounter\endcsname{\noexpand\item#1}%

\newenvironment{randomList}[1][]{% optional argument -> pgfkeys
  \pgfkeys{/randomList, #1}% process optional arguments
  \setcounter{randomListLength}{0}% initialise length of random list
  \def\randomlyOrderedList{}% initialise the random list of items
  % Nothing is printed in the main environment. Instead, \item is
  % used to slurp the "contents" of the item into randomListItem@<counter>
{% now construct the list environment by looping over the randomly ordered list
    \stepcounter{randomListCounter}% check for print fixed items at the end

% test compatibility with enumitem
\newlist{Testlist}{enumerate}{1} %
\setlist{nosep}\parindent=0pt% for more compact output


    \item 1

    \item 2

    \item 3

    \fixedItem 4 fixed!

    \item 5

    \fixedItem 6 fixed!

    \fixedItem 7 fixed

    \item 8

    \item 9

    \fixedItem 10 fixed!

    \fixedItem 11 fixed!


