Fontspec 错误:定义光学尺寸(XeLaTeX)

Fontspec 错误:定义光学尺寸(XeLaTeX)


编译以下 MWE 时我收到此错误:

! fontspec error: "font-not-found"
! The font "--" cannot be found.
! See the fontspec documentation for further information.

l.27 ... {Size = {19.91-},      Font = *-SemiboldItalicDisplay}}}]


% !TeX program = xelatex 
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode 


UprightFeatures = { SizeFeatures = {
        {Size =     {-8.4},  Font = *-Caption},
        {Size =  {8.4-13},   Font = *},
        {Size =   {13-19.9}, Font = *-Subhead},
        {Size = {19.9-},     Font = *-Display}}},
BoldFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { 
        {Size =     {-8.4},  Font = *-SemiboldCaption},
        {Size =  {8.4-13},   Font = *-Semibold},
        {Size =   {13-19.9}, Font = *-SemiboldSubhead},
        {Size = {19.9-},     Font = *-SemiboldDisplay}}},
ItalicFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { 
        {Size =     {-8.4},  Font = *-ItalicCaption},
        {Size =  {8.4-13},   Font = *-Italic},
        {Size =   {13-19.9}, Font = *-ItalicSubhead},
        {Size = {19.9-},     Font = *-ItalicDisplay}}},
BoldItalicFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { 
        {Size =     {-8.4},  Font = *-SemiboldItalicCaption},
        {Size =  {8.4-13},   Font = *-SemiboldItalic},
        {Size =   {13-19.9}, Font = *-SemiboldItalicSubhead},
        {Size = {19.9-},     Font = *-SemiboldItalicDisplay}}}] 

\chapter{Not relevant at all} 
%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex 
%%% TeX-engine: xetex 
%%% TeX-PDF-mode: t 
%%% coding: utf-8 
%%% TeX-master: t 
%%% End:


还定义字体(这里是我的 Minion Pro 字体):

UprightFont = *-Regular,
BoldFont = *-Medium,
ItalicFont = *-It,
BoldItalicFont = *-MediumIt,
