




\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{book}
\geometry{a4paper, margin=1.2in}







    \begin{tabular}{ p{4cm} p{5cm} p{6cm} p{6cm} }
         Construct & Nominal Definition & Empirical Indicators & Operationalization  \\
         Associational Solidarity & Frequency and patterns of interaction in various types of activities in which family members engage & \begin{enumerate}[nosep] \item Frequency of intergenerational interaction (i.e., face-to-face, telephone, mail) \item Types of common activities shared (i.e., recreation, special occasions, etc.) \end{enumerate} & About how many friends, other than members of your family, do you have who are younger than 30?

         Which option best describes whether or not you can discuss personal issues such as feelings, beliefs or experiences with any of these friends?\\
         Affectual Solidarity & Type and degree of positive sentiments held about family members, and the degree of reciprocity of these sentiments & \begin{enumerate}[nosep] \item Ratings of affection, warmth, close-ness, understanding, trust, respect, etc. for family members \item Ratings of perceived reciprocity in positive sentiments among family members \end{enumerate} & Tell me overall how negative or posi-tive you feel towards people in their 20s? \\



输出: 在此处输入图片描述




    \begin{tabular}{ p{4cm} p{5cm} p{6cm} p{6cm} }
         Construct & Nominal Definition & Empirical Indicators & Operationalization  \\
         Associational Solidarity & Frequency and patterns of interaction in various types of activities in which family members engage &\begin{enumerate}[nosep,after=\vspace{-\baselineskip},before=\vspace{-\dimexpr\baselineskip/2\relax}] \item Frequency of intergenerational interaction (i.e., face-to-face, telephone, mail) \item Types of common activities shared (i.e., recreation, special occasions, etc.) \end{enumerate} & About how many friends, other than members of your family, do you have who are younger than 30?

         Which option best describes whether or not you can discuss personal issues such as feelings, beliefs or experiences with any of these friends?\\
         Affectual Solidarity & Type and degree of positive sentiments held about family members, and the degree of reciprocity of these sentiments &\begin{enumerate}[nosep,after=\vspace{-\baselineskip},before=\vspace{-\dimexpr\baselineskip/2\relax}] \item Ratings of affection, warmth, close-ness, understanding, trust, respect, etc. for family members \item Ratings of perceived reciprocity in positive sentiments among family members \end{enumerate} & Tell me overall how negative or posi-tive you feel towards people in their 20s? \\



我真的不知道 \baselineskip/2 是否用于枚举的开始......它可能是“偶然”起作用的......但它在这里起作用。
