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\chapter*{New features in C++11}
\chapter{Getting Started}
This chapter introduces most of the basic elements of C++: types, variables,
expressions, statements, and functions. Along the way, we’ll briefly explain how to
compile and execute a program.
\section{Writing a Simple C++ Program}
\subsection{Compiling and Executing Our Program}
\section{A First Look at Input/Output}\label{a first look at input/output}
\section{A Word about Comments}
\section{Flow of Control}
\subsection{The while Statement}\label{subsec:the while statement}
\subsection{The for Statement}
\section{Introducing Classes}
\subsection{The Sales\_item Class}\label{subsec:the salesitem class}
\paragraph{Adding Sales\_items}
\subsection{A First Look at Member Functions}
\section{The Bookstore Program}
\section*{Defined Terms} \markright{Defined Terms} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Defined Terms}
然后,如果我将“\paragraph{Adding Sales_items}”移至“编写一个简单的 C++ 程序”部分,代码将给出如下部分表: