我使用\shade [ball color=black!60!red] (0,0) circle (4pt);
tikz 图像中的命令来表示图形的顶点。现在我正在使用一些合并两个顶点的操作。那么是否可以得到一个具有双面颜色的阴影球?
\begin{tikzpicture}[ultra thick,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
\draw (-1.,3.)-- (-1.,1.);
\draw (1.,1.)-- (3.,1.);
\draw (3.,1.)-- (2.,3.);
\draw (2.,3.)-- (1.,1.);
\draw (6.,3.)-- (5.,1.);
\draw (5.,1.)-- (7.,1.);
\draw (7.,1.)-- (6.,3.);
\draw (5.99,5.02)-- (5.99,3.02);
\draw (-1.2,3.5) node[anchor=north west] {$u$};
\draw (1.84,3.5) node[anchor=north west] {$v$};
\draw (6,3.5) node[anchor=north west] {$u+v$};
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (-1.,3.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (-1.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (1.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (3.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (2.,3.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (6.,3.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (5.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (7.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (5.99,5.02) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (5.99,3.02) circle (5pt);
\caption{I am trying to color the vertex $u+v$ half red - half blue}
以下是使用半 sphaire 来代替您原来的 sphaire 的答案:(这个想法来自:这个答案)
\begin{tikzpicture}[ultra thick,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
\draw (-1.,3.)-- (-1.,1.);
\draw (1.,1.)-- (3.,1.);
\draw (3.,1.)-- (2.,3.);
\draw (2.,3.)-- (1.,1.);
\draw (6.,3.)-- (5.,1.);
\draw (5.,1.)-- (7.,1.);
\draw (7.,1.)-- (6.,3.);
\draw (5.99,5.02)-- (5.99,3.02);
\draw (-1.2,3.5) node[anchor=north west] {$u$};
\draw (1.84,3.5) node[anchor=north west] {$v$};
\draw (6,3.5) node[anchor=north west] {$u+v$};
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (-1.,3.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (-1.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (1.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (3.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (2.,3.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (6.,3.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (5.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=qqqqff] (7.,1.) circle (5pt);
\shade [ball color=ffqqqq] (5.99,5.02) circle (5pt);
\shade[ball color=ffqqqq] (5.82,3) arc (180:0:5pt);
\caption{I am trying to color the vertex $u+v$ half red - half blue}