latex 中的 longtable 没有出现在表格列表中

latex 中的 longtable 没有出现在表格列表中


    % \def\arraystretch{1.1}
    % \begin{tabular}{|m{5cm}|m{9cm}|}
        \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\centerline{Generating Inferences}}\\
        \centerline{Rule} & \centerline{Formula}\\
            Equality Resolution (ER)
            $s \not\simeq t \vee R$\\
            $\text{if } \sigma = mgu(s,t) \text{ and } \sigma(s\not\simeq t) \text{ is eligible for resolution}$    
        Superposition into negative literals (SN)
                \begin{tabular}{c c}
                $s \simeq t \vee S$ & $u \not\simeq v \vee R$\\
                \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\sigma(u[p \leftarrow \sigma(t)] \not\simeq v \vee S \vee R)$}\\
                \\if $\sigma = mgu(u|_p,s)$, $\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, $\sigma(u) \not< \sigma(v)$, $\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation, $\sigma(u \not\simeq v)$ is eligible for resolution, and $u|_p \not\in V$
        Superposition into positive literals (SP)
                \begin{tabular}{c c}
                $s \simeq t \vee S$ & $u \simeq v \vee R$\\
                \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\sigma(u[p \leftarrow \sigma(t)] \simeq v \vee S \vee R)$}\\
                if $\sigma = mgu(u|_p,s)$, $\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, $\sigma(u) \not< \sigma(v)$, $\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation, $\sigma(u \not\simeq v)$ is eligible for resolution, and $u|_p \not\in V$
        Equality Factoring (EF)
                $s \simeq t \vee u \simeq v \vee R$\\
                $\sigma(t \not\simeq v \vee u \simeq v \vee R)$\\
                if $\sigma = mgu(s,u)$, $\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, $\sigma(s \simeq t)$  is eligible for paramodulation.
        \caption{Generating inference rules of the \textbf{SP} calculus implemented in E}




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\setlength{\LTcapwidth}{\textwidth} % default: ca. 10cm



\begin{longtable}{@{} C{5cm}C{10cm} @{}}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{Generating Inferences}\\[1ex]
Rule & Formula\\

\caption{Generating inference rules of the \textbf{SP} calculus implemented in E}

Equality Resolution (ER) &
s\not\simeq t\vee R\\
\end{array}$ \\[3ex]
& if $\sigma = \mgu(s,t)$ and 
$\sigma(s\not\simeq t)$ is eligible for resolution   


Superposition into negative literals (SN) &
$\begin{array}{c c}
s \simeq t \vee S & u \not\simeq v \vee R\\
    \sigma(u[\,p\to\sigma(t)]\not\simeq v\vee S\vee R)}
\end{array}$ \\[3ex]
& if $\sigma = \mgu(u|_p,s)$, 
$\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, 
$\sigma(u) \not< \sigma(v)$, 
$\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation, 
$\sigma(u \not\simeq v)$ is eligible for resolution, 
and $u|_p \not\in V$


Superposition into positive literals (SP) &
s \simeq t \vee S & u \simeq v \vee R\\
    \sigma(u[\,p \to \sigma(t)]\simeq v\vee S\vee R)}
\end{array}$ \\[3ex]
& if $\sigma = \mgu(u|_p,s)$, 
$\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, 
$\sigma(u) \not< \sigma(v)$, 
$\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation, 
$\sigma(u \not\simeq v)$ is eligible for resolution, 
and $u|_p \not\in V$


Equality Factoring (EF)
s \simeq t \vee u \simeq v \vee R\\
\sigma(t \not\simeq v \vee u \simeq v \vee R)
\end{array}$ \\[3ex]
& if $\sigma = \mgu(s,u)$, 
$\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, 
$\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation.




\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usepackage{tabularx, ltablex, caption}%{l}


        \caption{Generating inference rules of the \textbf{SP} calculus implemented in E}
        \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Generating Inferences}\\
        Rule & Formula\\
        \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Generating Inferences}\\
        Rule & Formula\\
            Equality Resolution (ER)
        & $ \begin{matrix}
            s \not\simeq t \vee R\\
            \end{matrix} $\medskip\newline
\parbox{\hsize}{if $ \sigma = mgu(s,t) $ and $ \sigma(s\not\simeq t) $ is eligible for resolution.}\smallskip
 Superposition into negative literals (SN)
 & $ \begin{matrix}
 s \simeq t \vee S & u \not\simeq v \vee R \\
 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\sigma(u[p \leftarrow \sigma(t)] \not\simeq v \vee S \vee R)}
 \end{matrix} $ \medskip\newline
\parbox{\hsize}{if $\sigma = mgu(u|_p,s)$, $\sigma(s) \nless \sigma(t)$, $\sigma(u) \nless \sigma(v)$, $\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation, $\sigma(u \not\simeq v)$ is eligible for resolution, and $u|_p \notin V$.}\smallskip
 Superposition into positive literals (SP)
 &$ \begin{matrix}
 s \simeq t \vee S & u \simeq v \vee R \\
 \multicolumn{2}{c}{\sigma(u[p \leftarrow \sigma(t)] \simeq v \vee S \vee R)}
 \end{matrix} $
\parbox{\hsize}{if $\sigma = mgu(u|_p,s)$, $\sigma(s) \nless \sigma(t)$, $\sigma(u) \nless \sigma(v)$, $\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation, $\sigma(u \not\simeq v)$ is eligible for resolution, and $u|_p \notin V$.}\smallskip
 Equality Factoring (EF)
 & $ \begin{matrix}
 s \simeq t \vee u \simeq v \vee R\\
\sigma(t \not\simeq v \vee u \simeq v \vee R)
 \end{matrix}$ \medskip\newline
\parbox{\hsize}{ if $\sigma = mgu(s,u)$, $\sigma(s) \not< \sigma(t)$, $\sigma(s \simeq t)$ is eligible for paramodulation.}\medskip




