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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} p{15mm} L L L
    Integration of heterogeneous data &
    Algorithms to identify urban features &
    Improve accuracy for spectral classification algorithms \\
    Objective &
    \item   Improve the spatial and spectral resolution
    \item   Enhance the ability of features detection and display
    \item   Promote the geometric precision
    \item   Accelerate future processing and improve classification accuracy
    \item   Automated processes for detecting, extracting, simulating, classifying and modelling urban features
    \item   Capability of separating urban land-cover and land-use classes in an adequate manner
    \end{itemize}       \\

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\hsize=0.4\hsize}L
    Integration of heterogeneous data &
    Algorithms to identify urban features &
    Improve accuracy for spectral classification algorithms \\
    Objective &
    \item   Improve the spatial and spectral resolution
    \item   Enhance the ability of features detection and display
    \item   Promote the geometric precision
    \item   Accelerate future processing and improve classification accuracy
    \item   Automated processes for detecting, extracting, simulating, classifying and modelling urban features
    \item   Capability of separating urban land-cover and land-use classes in an adequate manner
    \end{itemize}       \\








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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} p{15mm} L L L
    Integration of heterogeneous data &
    Algorithms to identify urban features &
    Improve accuracy for spectral classification algorithms \\
    Objective &
    \item   Improve the spatial and spectral resolution
    \item   Enhance the ability of features detection and display
    \item   Promote the geometric precision
    \item   Accelerate future processing and improve classification accuracy
    \item   Automated processes for detecting, extracting, simulating, classifying and modelling urban features
    \item   Capability of separating urban land-cover and land-use classes in an adequate manner
    \end{itemize}       \\

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\hsize=0.4\hsize\linewidth=\hsize}L
    Integration of heterogeneous data &
    Algorithms to identify urban features &
    Improve accuracy for spectral classification algorithms \\
    Objective &
    \item   Improve the spatial and spectral resolution
    \item   Enhance the ability of features detection and display
    \item   Promote the geometric precision
    \item   Accelerate future processing and improve classification accuracy
    \item   Automated processes for detecting, extracting, simulating, classifying and modelling urban features
    \item   Capability of separating urban land-cover and land-use classes in an adequate manner
    \end{itemize}       \\


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