错误:使用 \beamer@modeinline 扫描时文件结束

错误:使用 \beamer@modeinline 扫描时文件结束

使用以下代码,我始终收到一条错误提示:文件结束了 \beamer@modeinline 的使用。

此外,控制台输出包含以下内容:Runaway parameters? {\par \par \begin {document} \par \par \begin {frame} \begin {i\ETC. !File ends the use of \beamer@modeinline.


    \mode<presentation> {

    \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]


\item The usual necessary conditions for an optimum:

\item[-] (These two equations do not determine $K_{t}^{d}$ and $L_{t}^{d}$ 
 from given $r_{t}$ and $w_{t}$; they only determine $\dfrac{{K_{t}^{d}}
\item In equilibrium:
\item The marginal product of capital equal the rental price of capital.
\item The marginal product of labor equals the wage.
\item (Note that $ F_{K}(K_{t}$,$L_{t}$) represents the first derivative of 
 the production function w.r.t. capital).




  • }序言中缺失
  • 环境align已处于数学模式
  • 你打开的itemize环境比关闭的多
  • 括号的随机分布(看看$ F_{K}(K_{t}$,$L_{t}$)——它应该()在数学环境之内还是之外?为什么要关闭并重新打开它?)
  • 无需使用graphicx投影机
  • tex问题,但是在您的文本中您打开了一个(从未关闭的...

\mode<presentation> {

    \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]



        \item The usual necessary conditions for an optimum:
        \item[-] (These two equations do not determine $K_{t}^{d}$ and $L_{t}^{d}$ from given $r_{t}$ and $w_{t}$; they only determine $\dfrac{K_{t}^{d}}{L_{t}^{d}}$
        \item In equilibrium:
            \item The marginal product of capital equal the rental price of capital.
            \item The marginal product of labor equals the wage.
        \item (Note that $F_{K}(K_{t},L_{t}$) represents the first derivative of the production function w.r.t. capital).

