

我已经制作了这张表格,我想知道如何将条目“设置流速”,“Q_ {set}”和“实验参数”合并到了一个单元格中,这样我就不会重复它。

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述

其次,如何保持“批次 1”和“批次 2”列中的数字对齐,同时剪切左侧的所有额外空间(我试图不让表格超出页面空间)?






最后,我想将这三个表合并成一个大表,当页面写满时,​​这个表就会中断。我尝试实现 longtable 包,但没有成功。



%% page settings

%\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm,left=2.5cm,right=2.5cm]{geometry} 
\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm,left=3cm,right=2.5cm]{geometry} 
% needed for page border 
% settings (indicazioni sup, inf, sx = 3 cm e dx = 2.5 cm; 
% interlinea 1.5 (ok), didascalia figure e tabelle times new roman 10
% margini che avevo : 2 sopra e sotto, 2.5 dx e sx
\parindent=0cm % for space of first line of new text block
\sloppy % for writing with hyphenless justification (tries to)
%\hyphenpenalty=10000 -> a capo posso andare se lo tolgo
%\exhyphenpenalty=10000 -> togliendo questo codice matlab va a capo e anche alcune parole nel testo
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % needed for head and foot options



  \begin{tabular}{|>{\centering}p{3.5cm}||>{\centering}p{1.5cm}|S[table-column-width=4cm]|S[table-column-width=4cm]| S[table-column-width=2cm]|}
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Symbol} & {Batch 1} & {Batch 2} & {Unit}  \\

    Initial instant of time & \ch{t_0} & 0 & 0 & \si{\s} \\ 
    Initial length & \ch{l_0} & 0 & 0 & \si{\m} \\
    Set flow rate & \ch{Q_{set}} & 11.5 & 4.78 & $\dfrac{ml}{min}$ \\
    Set flow rate & \ch{Q_{set}} & 1.9167E-7 & 7.9667E-8 & $\dfrac{m^3}{s}$ \\
    Velocity of reaction & \ch{K_{ads}} & 0.5 & 0.027 &$\dfrac{m^3}{mol \cdot s}$  \\
    Diffusion coefficient of urea in \ch{H_2O} & \ch{D_L} & 1.38E-9 & 1.38E-9 & $\dfrac{m^2}{s}$ \\
     Concentration of the inlet solution & \ch{C_{in}} & 5.07 & 4.9 &$\dfrac{mol}{m^3}$ \\
      Density of the sorbent & $ \rho_s $ & 9.8E4 & 9.8E4 & $\dfrac{g}{m^3}$ \\
       Porosity of the sorbent & $ \epsilon_s $ & 0.9414 & 0.94 &  {-}  \\
        Height of the swelling of the sorbent & $ h_s $ & 0.15 & 0.1667 & $\%$\\
        Length of the sorbent & $ l_s $ & 0.0184 & 0.0184 & \si{m} \\
        Final set length of the sorbent & $ l_{f_{set}} $ & 0.0212 & 0.0215 & \si{m} \\
       Diameter of the sorbent  & $d_s$ & 0.0127 & 0.0127 & \si{m} \\
       Diameter of the reference sorbent & $ d_{{s}_{ref}} $ & 0.0127 & 0.0127 & \si{m} \\
        Ratio between $d_s$ and $d_{{s}_{ref}}$  & x & 1 & 1 & {-} \\
        Final length of the sorbent & $l_f$ & 0.0212 & 0.0215 & \si{m} \\

  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}


  \begin{tabular}{|>{\centering}p{3.5cm}||>{\centering}p{1.5cm}|S[table-column-width=4cm]|S[table-column-width=4cm]| S[table-column-width=2cm]|}
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Symbol} & {Batch 1} & {Batch 2} & {Unit}  \\

           Molar mass of urea & $ M_{urea} $ & 60.06 & 60.06 & $\dfrac{g}{mol}$ \\
        Mass of urea at the inlet & $m_{{urea}_{in}}$ & 10.5054 & 4.2202 & \si{mg} \\
        Step size & $ D_z $ & 2.5E-4 & 2.5E-4 & \si{m} \\
        Average velocity of the solution in the sorbent  & $\overline{v}$ & 0.0016 & 6.6904E-4 &$\dfrac{m}{s}$ \\
        Crossing time & $t_{cross}$ & 0.2194 & 0.5348 & \si{min} \\
Set duration of the simulation & $\Delta t_{sim}$ & 180 & 180 & \si{s} \\
Simulation time based on sorbent length & $t_{sim}$ & 193.1656 & 212.0867 & \si{s} \\
Langmuir constant & $k_L$ & 0.0145 & 0.0145 & $\dfrac{m^3}{mol}$ \\
Maximum adsorbtion capacity & $Q_{max}$ & 133.34 & 133.34 & $\dfrac{mg_{urea}}{g_{sorbent}}$ \\ 
Value of the second order kinetic model & $k_2$ & 0.115 & 0.115 & $\dfrac{g_{sorbent}}{mg_{urea} \cdot min}$ \\
Number of space intervals & $N_{int_z}$ & 84 & 85 & {-} \\
Contact time between sorbent and fluid & $t_{contact}$ & 0.0026 & 0.0063 & \si{min} \\
$C_{initial}$ of urea in the sorbent & $C_0$ & 0 & 0 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Experimental parameter & $par_1$ & 0.8184 & 0.8184 & {-} \\
Experimental parameter & $par_2$ & 0.008 & 0.008 & {-} \\
Experimental parameter & $par_3$ & 4.3 & 4.3 & {-} \\
Experimental parameter & $par_4$ & 4.76 & 4.76 & {-} \\
$C_{eq}$ of urea in the solution & $C_{eq}$ & 4.1493 & 4.0102 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Concentration of urea in the sorbent & $csp$ & 217.5711 & 217.5711 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Time step & $D_t$ & 0.0771 & 0.1837 & $s$ \\
Maximum time step & $D_{t_{max}}$ & 0.1542 & 0.3674 & $s$ \\
Number of time intervals & $N_{int_t}$ & 2506 & 1154 & {-} \\
Peclet number & Pe & 2.4644E4 & 1.0408E4 & {-} \\
Damk{\"o}hler number & Dam & 3.5296E7 & 1.9617E6 & {-} \\

  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}


  \begin{tabular}{|>{\centering}p{3.5cm}||>{\centering}p{1.5cm}|S[table-column-width=4cm]|S[table-column-width=4cm]| S[table-column-width=2cm]|}
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Symbol} & {Batch 1} & {Batch 2} & {Unit}  \\

Diffusion constant & $K_{diff}$ & 0.0017 & 0.0041 & {-} \\
Convection constant & $K_{conv}$ & 0.4955 & 0.4916 & {-} \\
Beta    & $\beta$ & 42.9134 & 44.4023 & $\dfrac{m^3_{solution}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Alpha & $\alpha$ & 1 & 1 & {-} \\
Adsorption capacity of the sorbent & $Q_e$ & 7.5671 & 7.3273 & $\dfrac{mg_{urea}}{g_{sorbent}}$ \\
Adsorption capacity over $ t_{contact}$ & $Q_t$ & 5.5766 & 5.4856 & $\dfrac{mg_{urea}}{g_{sorbent}}$ \\
$C_{max}$ of urea in the sorbent (over $t_{contact}$) & $csp_{ist}$ & 0.0270 & 0.0585 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Cumulative quantity of urea adsorbed & $w_{urea,ads}$ & 0.7184 & 0.2113 & $mg$ \\
Percentage of urea adsorbed & $\%_{urea,ads}$ & 6.8379 & 5.0078 & $\%$ \\
Additional duration to reach saturation & $\Delta t_{sat}$ & 50 & 50 & $s$ \\
Variation of concentration & $\Delta c$ & 2.9136 & 2.6270 & $\dfrac{mol}{m^3}$ \\
Saturation of the sponge & $sat$ & 87.3763 & 23.3251 & $\%$ \\

  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}



根据用户@MichaelPalmer 的部分回答,让我们来看看答案的第二部分,longtable数字的用法和左边太大的空间......

您的代码使用 siunitx来格式化表格列的数字和空间(S)。因此,您可以添加table-format = +1.4e+4\sisetup在小数点前获得一个数字,在小数点后获得 4 个数字(+1.4),对于指数使用 4 个字符(e+4)。现在,您可以使用 获得较小的列宽度S[table-column-width=3cm]



% \centering\renewcommand{\theadfont}{\small}
  \small\sisetup{per-mode=symbol,table-format = +1.4e+4} % 1 integer,4 dezimal 4 exponent
%                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                   S[table-column-width=3cm]|% <========================


{ \small\sisetup{per-mode=symbol,table-format = +1.4e+4} % 1 integer,4 dezimal 4 exponent
                   S[table-column-width=3cm]| % <=======================
  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the 
           simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}
  \multicolumn{5}{c}{to be continued ...} \\



使用以下 MWE




\usepackage{nicefrac} % <===============================================
\usepackage{longtable} % <==============================================

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} % <=====================================

%% page settings

\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm,left=3cm,right=2.5cm]{geometry} 
\parindent=0cm % for space of first line of new text block
\sloppy % for writing with hyphenless justification (tries to)

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % needed for head and foot options



% \centering\renewcommand{\theadfont}{\small}
  \small\sisetup{per-mode=symbol,table-format = +1.4e+4} % 1 integer,4 dezimal 4 exponent
%                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                   S[table-column-width=3cm]|% <========================
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Symbol} & {Batch 1} & {Batch 2} & {Unit}  \\
Initial instant of time & \ch{t_0}      & 0         & 0         & \si{\s} \\ 
Initial length          & \ch{l_0}      & 0         & 0         & \si{\m} \\
Set flow rate           & \ch{Q_{set}}  & 11.5      & 4.78      & $\nicefrac{ml}{min}$ \\
"                       & \ch{Q_{set}}  & 1.9167E-7 & 7.9667E-8 & $\nicefrac{m^3}{s}$ \\
Velocity of reaction    & \ch{K_{ads}}  & 0.5       & 0.027     & $\nicefrac{m^3}{mol \cdot s}$ \\
Diffusion coefficient of 
  urea in \ch{H_2O}     & \ch{D_L}      & 1.38E-9   & 1.38E-9   & $\nicefrac{m^2}{s}$ \\
Concentration of the 
  inlet solution        & \ch{C_{in}}   & 5.07      & 4.9       & $\nicefrac{mol}{m^3}$ \\
Density of the sorbent  & $ \rho_s $    & 9.8E4     & 9.8E4     & $\nicefrac{g}{m^3}$ \\
Porosity of the sorbent & $\epsilon_s$  & 0.9414    & 0.94      &  {-}  \\
Height of the swelling 
  of the sorbent        & $ h_s $       & 0.15      & 0.1667    & $\%$\\
Length of the sorbent   & $ l_s $       & 0.0184    & 0.0184    & \si{m} \\
Final set length of the 
  sorbent               & $l_{f_{set}}$ & 0.0212    & 0.0215    & \si{m} \\
Diameter of the sorbent & $d_s$         & 0.0127    & 0.0127    & \si{m} \\
Diameter of the 
  reference sorbent     &$d_{{s}_{ref}}$& 0.0127    & 0.0127    & \si{m} \\
Ratio between $d_s$ and 
  $d_{{s}_{ref}}$       & x             & 1         & 1         & {-} \\
Final length of the 
  sorbent               & $l_f$         & 0.0212    & 0.0215    & \si{m} \\
  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}

{ \small\sisetup{per-mode=symbol,table-format = +1.4e+4} % 1 integer,4 dezimal 4 exponent
                   S[table-column-width=3cm]| % <=======================
  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the 
           simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}
  \multicolumn{5}{c}{to be continued ...} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Symbol} & {Batch 1} & {Batch 2} & {Unit}  \\
Initial instant of time & \ch{t_0}      & 0         & 0         & \si{\s} \\ 
Initial length          & \ch{l_0}      & 0         & 0         & \si{\m} \\
Set flow rate           & \ch{Q_{set}}  & 11.5      & 4.78      & $\nicefrac{ml}{min}$ \\
"                       & \ch{Q_{set}}  & 1.9167E-7 & 7.9667E-8 & $\nicefrac{m^3}{s}$ \\
Velocity of reaction    & \ch{K_{ads}}  & 0.5       & 0.027     & $\nicefrac{m^3}{mol \cdot s}$ \\
Diffusion coefficient of 
  urea in \ch{H_2O}     & \ch{D_L}      & 1.38E-9   & 1.38E-9   & $\nicefrac{m^2}{s}$ \\
Concentration of the 
  inlet solution        & \ch{C_{in}}   & 5.07      & 4.9       & $\nicefrac{mol}{m^3}$ \\
Density of the sorbent  & $ \rho_s $    & 9.8E4     & 9.8E4     & $\nicefrac{g}{m^3}$ \\
Porosity of the sorbent & $\epsilon_s$  & 0.9414    & 0.94      &  {-}  \\
Height of the swelling 
  of the sorbent        & $ h_s $       & 0.15      & 0.1667    & $\%$\\
Length of the sorbent   & $ l_s $       & 0.0184    & 0.0184    & \si{m} \\
Final set length of the 
  sorbent               & $l_{f_{set}}$ & 0.0212    & 0.0215    & \si{m} \\
Diameter of the sorbent & $d_s$         & 0.0127    & 0.0127    & \si{m} \\
Diameter of the 
  reference sorbent     &$d_{{s}_{ref}}$& 0.0127    & 0.0127    & \si{m} \\
Ratio between $d_s$ and 
  $d_{{s}_{ref}}$       & x             & 1         & 1         & {-} \\
Final length of the 
  sorbent               & $l_f$         & 0.0212    & 0.0215    & \si{m} \\

Molar mass of urea & $ M_{urea} $ & 60.06 & 60.06 & $\nicefrac{g}{mol}$ \\
Mass of urea at the inlet & $m_{{urea}_{in}}$ & 10.5054 & 4.2202 & \si{mg} \\
Step size & $ D_z $ & 2.5E-4 & 2.5E-4 & \si{m} \\
Average velocity of the solution in the sorbent  & $\overline{v}$ & 0.0016 & 6.6904E-4 &$\dfrac{m}{s}$ \\
Crossing time & $t_{cross}$ & 0.2194 & 0.5348 & \si{min} \\
Set duration of the simulation & $\Delta t_{sim}$ & 180 & 180 & \si{s} \\
Simulation time based on sorbent length & $t_{sim}$ & 193.1656 & 212.0867 & \si{s} \\
Langmuir constant & $k_L$ & 0.0145 & 0.0145 & $\dfrac{m^3}{mol}$ \\
Maximum adsorbtion capacity & $Q_{max}$ & 133.34 & 133.34 & $\dfrac{mg_{urea}}{g_{sorbent}}$ \\ 
Value of the second order kinetic model & $k_2$ & 0.115 & 0.115 & $\nicefrac{g_{sorbent}}{mg_{urea} \cdot min}$ \\
Number of space intervals & $N_{int_z}$ & 84 & 85 & {-} \\
Contact time between sorbent and fluid & $t_{contact}$ & 0.0026 & 0.0063 & \si{min} \\
$C_{initial}$ of urea in the sorbent & $C_0$ & 0 & 0 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Experimental parameter & $par_1$ & 0.8184 & 0.8184 & {-} \\
"                      & $par_2$ & 0.008 & 0.008 & {-} \\
"                      & $par_3$ & 4.3 & 4.3 & {-} \\
"                      & $par_4$ & 4.76 & 4.76 & {-} \\
$C_{eq}$ of urea in the solution & $C_{eq}$ & 4.1493 & 4.0102 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Concentration of urea in the sorbent & $csp$ & 217.5711 & 217.5711 & $\dfrac{mol_{urea}}{m^3_{sorbent}}$ \\
Time step & $D_t$ & 0.0771 & 0.1837 & $s$ \\
Maximum time step & $D_{t_{max}}$ & 0.1542 & 0.3674 & $s$ \\
Number of time intervals & $N_{int_t}$ & 2506 & 1154 & {-} \\






请注意,的列Batch2(3cm) 比 的列 (4cm) 小batch1



您要求合并内容相同的表格单元格,这与交替行颜色的使用不太吻合。如果您想保留后者,我建议只用类似 的内容填充重复单元格"





%% page settings

%\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm,left=2.5cm,right=2.5cm]{geometry} 
\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm,left=3cm,right=2.5cm]{geometry} 
% needed for page border 
% settings (indicazioni sup, inf, sx = 3 cm e dx = 2.5 cm; 
% interlinea 1.5 (ok), didascalia figure e tabelle times new roman 10
% margini che avevo : 2 sopra e sotto, 2.5 dx e sx
\parindent=0cm % for space of first line of new text block
\sloppy % for writing with hyphenless justification (tries to)
%\hyphenpenalty=10000 -> a capo posso andare se lo tolgo
%\exhyphenpenalty=10000 -> togliendo questo codice matlab va a capo e anche alcune parole nel testo
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % needed for head and foot options



%  \centering\renewcommand{\theadfont}{\small}
  \begin{tabular}{|>{\centering}p{3.5cm}||>{\centering}p{1.5cm}|p{4cm}|p{4cm}| p{2cm}|}
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Symbol} & {Batch 1} & {Batch 2} & {Unit}  \\

    Initial instant of time & \ch{t_0} & 0 & 0 & \si{\s} \\ 
    Initial length & \ch{l_0} & 0 & 0 & \si{\m} \\
    Set flow rate & \ch{Q_{set}} & 11.5 & 4.78 & $\nicefrac{ml}{min}$ \\
    Set flow rate & \ch{Q_{set}} & 1.9167E-7 & 7.9667E-8 & $\nicefrac{m^3}{s}$ \\
    Velocity of reaction & \ch{K_{ads}} & 0.5 & 0.027 &$\nicefrac{m^3}{mol \cdot s}$  \\
    Diffusion coefficient of urea in \ch{H_2O} & \ch{D_L} & 1.38E-9 & 1.38E-9 & $\nicefrac{m^2}{s}$ \\
     Concentration of the inlet solution & \ch{C_{in}} & 5.07 & 4.9 &$\nicefrac{mol}{m^3}$ \\
      Density of the sorbent & $ \rho_s $ & 9.8E4 & 9.8E4 & $\nicefrac{g}{m^3}$ \\
       Porosity of the sorbent & $ \epsilon_s $ & 0.9414 & 0.94 &  {-}  \\
        Height of the swelling of the sorbent & $ h_s $ & 0.15 & 0.1667 & $\%$\\
        Length of the sorbent & $ l_s $ & 0.0184 & 0.0184 & \si{m} \\
        Final set length of the sorbent & $ l_{f_{set}} $ & 0.0212 & 0.0215 & \si{m} \\
       Diameter of the sorbent  & $d_s$ & 0.0127 & 0.0127 & \si{m} \\
       Diameter of the reference sorbent & $ d_{{s}_{ref}} $ & 0.0127 & 0.0127 & \si{m} \\
        Ratio between $d_s$ and $d_{{s}_{ref}}$  & x & 1 & 1 & {-} \\
        Final length of the sorbent & $l_f$ & 0.0212 & 0.0215 & \si{m} \\

  \caption{Boundary and inlet conditions and output values for the simulation of the adsorbtion phenomenon for batch 1 and 2.}


