我正在写简历,我用 分隔每个部分\subsection*{}
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\begin{center}{\Large \bf \sc My name}\\[.18cm] {\it \today} \\[.3cm]
Phone: (111) 111-1111
\hfill College of Computer and Information Science \\
Email: {\tt [email protected]}
\hfill \place{xxx University}, Boston MA \\[-2cm]
\def\todo#1{{\color{red}[TODO: #1]}}
\subsection*{Research interests}
\item Statistical ...\\
\item R-based ...
\entry{2016-current} {PhD candidate, My Field, \place{My University}, Country
\newline Advisor: Y. XXX}
\entry{2014}{MS, My Field, \place{My University}, Country
\newline Thesis: {\it ``My thesis"}
\newline Advisor: O. UUU
\entry{2010}{BS. My Field, \place{My University}, Country.
\newline Diploma: {\it ``My diploma title"}
\newline Advisor: S. DDD
\entry{06/2017-present}{First Experience. \place{My University}, Country.
\item MS course ``Name of Course". Grading, Office hours.
\entry{06/2017-09/2017}{Internship. \place{Name of Company}, Country
\item Causal inference in networks inferred from noisy bio-molecular measurements.
\entry{01/2017-04/2016}{Internship. \place{Name of Company}, Country
\item Causal inference in networks inferred from noisy bio-molecular measurements.
\entry{01/2017-04/2016}{Internship. \place{Name of Company}, Country
\item Causal inference in networks inferred from noisy bio-molecular measurements.
\entry{02/2016-09/2016}{First Experience. \place{My University}, Country.
\item MS course ``Name of Course". Grading, Office hours.
\entry{02/2009-09/2010}{First Experience. \place{My University}, Country.
\item MS course ``Name of Course". Grading, Office hours.
\entry{09/2009-11/2009}{First Experience. \place{My University}, Country.
\item MS course ``Name of Course". Grading, Office hours.
\entry{02/2009-09/2012}{First Experience. \place{My University}, Country.
\item MS course ``Name of Course". Grading, Office hours.
下面是在 LaTeX 中运行代码的结果图: