

请帮我在横向页面中制作一个长表格。我试过但做不到,因为 (1) 表格边框在页面外(请看图片),(2) 页眉仍然在页面上方,但在垂直方向(请看图片),(3) 页码也不在正确的位置,应该在页面底部。


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述

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    %% Thesis.tex -- MAIN FILE (the one that you compile with LaTeX)
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    % Set up the document

    \documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, arial, oneside]{Thesis}   % Use the "Thesis" style, based on the ECS Thesis style by Steve Gunn

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    \vspace{-10pt} % I've tried to shift the table a little bit to the top but this command does not work here!
    \caption{Characteristics of low and medium spatial resolution remote sensing systems and their applications}
    %{\small %
        \begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | p{6cm} |}
            \textbf{Launch year} & \textbf{Satellite} & \textbf{Sensor} & \textbf{Spectral range\textsuperscript{a} (nm)} & \textbf{Bands\textsuperscript{b}} & \textbf{Pixel size\textsuperscript{c} (m)} & \textbf{Coverage\textsuperscript{d} (km)} & \textbf{Revisit time\textsuperscript{e} (days)} & \textbf{Dynamic range\textsuperscript{f} (bit)} & \textbf{Mapping scale} & \textbf{Applications} \\ 
            1972  & Landsat-1, 2, 3  & MSS  & 500 - 1100 &  \vtop{\hbox{\strut 4 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 5 (Landsat-3 only)}} & 80 & 185 & 18 & 6 & 1:2500 - 1:100,000 & Land-use planning; vegetation inventories; crop growth and health assessments; discriminating different types and amounts of vegetation; and cartography \\ \hline
            1984 & Landsat-5 & TM & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 450 - 2,350}\hbox{\strut 10,400 - 12,350}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 6 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1(T)}} & 30 & 185 & 16 & 8 & 1:2500 - 1:100,000 & Surface temperature; discriminating vegetation type; water penetration; plant and soil moisture measurements; and identification of hydrothermal alteration in certain rock types \\ \hline
            1997 & SeaStar & SeaWiFS & 402 - 885 & 8 (MS) & 1,100 & 2,800 & Daily & 10 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & The concentration of microscopic marine plants; phytoplankton based on the colour of the ocean \\ \hline
            1998 & NOAA-15 & AVHRR/3 & 580 - 12,500 & 6 (MS) & 1,090 & 2,940 & Daily & 10 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & Surface mapping (daytime); land–water boundaries; snow and ice detection; cloud mapping (daytime and night); sea surface temperature \\ \hline
            1999 & Terra \& Aqua & MODIS & 620 - 14,3385 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 2 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 5 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 29 (MS \&T)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 250}\hbox{\strut 500}\hbox{\strut 1000}} & 2,330 & Daily & 12 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & Land, cloud, aerosols boundaries and properties; ocean colour, phytoplankton, biogeochemistry; atmospheric temperature; cirrus clouds and water vapour; ozone; surface and cloud temperature; cloud top altitude \\ \hline
            1999 & Terra & MISR & 425 - 886 & 4 (MS) & 275 & 360 & 9 & 14 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & Land use; ocean colour; air pollution; volcanic eruptions; desertification; deforestation; and soil erosion \\ \hline
            1999 & Landsat7 & ETM+ & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 450 - 2,350}\hbox{\strut 10,400 - 12,500}\hbox{\strut 500 - 900}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 6 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1 (T)}\hbox{\strut 1 (PAN)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 30}\hbox{\strut 60}\hbox{\strut 15}} & 185 & 16 & 8 & 1:2,500 - 1:100,000 & LAgriculture; forestry; land use; water resources and natural resource exploration; human population census and monitoring the growth of global urbanisation; deletion of coastal wetlands; and generating DEM \\ \hline
            1999 & Terra & ASTER & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 520 - 860}\hbox{\strut 1,600 - 2,430}\hbox{\strut 8,125 - 11,650}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 3 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 6 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 5 (T)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 15}\hbox{\strut 30}\hbox{\strut 90}} & 60 & 16 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 8}\hbox{\strut 8}\hbox{\strut 12}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 1:2,500 - 1:40,000}\hbox{\strut 1:40,000 - 1:100,000}\hbox{\strut 1:100,000 - 1:500,000}} & Land surface climatology; vegetation and ecosystem dynamics; volcano monitoring; hydrology; geology and soils; land surface and land cover change \\ \hline
            2002 & SPOT5 & 2 HRGs & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 500 - 890}\hbox{\strut 1,580 - 1,750}\hbox{\strut 480 - 710}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 3 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1 (PAN)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 10}\hbox{\strut 20}\hbox{\strut 5}} & 60 & 26 & 8 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 1:10,000 - 1:25,000}\hbox{\strut 1:10,000 - 1:25,000}\hbox{\strut 1:7,500 - 1:25,000}} & Urban and rural planning; land use and Infrastructure planning; telecommunications; oil and gas exploration and mining; environmental assessment, natural disaster management; marine studies; agriculture; and 3D terrain modelling \\ \hline
            2013 & Landsat8 & OLI \& TIRS & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 435 - 1,551}\hbox{\strut 10,600 - 12,510}\hbox{\strut 503 - 676}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 8 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 2 (T)}\hbox{\strut 1 (PAN)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 30}\hbox{\strut 100}\hbox{\strut 15}} & 185 & 16 & 12 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 1:80,000 - 1:100,000}\hbox{\strut 1:80,000 - 1:100,000}\hbox{\strut 1:2,500 - 1:40,000}} & Mineral exploration; vegetation analysis; large regional coverage; extensive archive for change detection; availability of imagery over cloud affected areas (detecting cirrus clouds); and coastal zone \\  \hline

            \multicolumn{11}{|l|}{\textsuperscript{a}Spectral resolution, \textsuperscript{b}MS multi-spectral bands, \textsuperscript{c}Spatial resolution, \textsuperscript{d}Swath-width, \textsuperscript{e}Temporal resolution, \textsuperscript{f}Radiometric resolution} \\




    \end{document}  % The End
    %% ----------------------------------------------------------------


似乎我的回答有点晚了 :-),但无论如何它在这里,因为我在评论中承诺过......

编辑(2): 我使用附录中介绍的解决方案改进了答案的第一个版本。实际上它与附录中的解决方案有以下不同之处:

  • 页面大小没有改变
  • 在该表格中为每个页面添加了标题、列标题和提示
  • 字体大小为\normalsize






  • 你的表格(再次)非常大,如果不采取一些技巧,它就无法放置在文本宽度内:
    • 对于表格环境我选择ThreePartTable
    • 我在每页表格底部使用了带有解释的缩写TableNotes
    • \tnote为了标记我从包装中使用的缩写threeparttablex
    • 使用sffamily字体(我从Ariel加载中的选项得出结论\documentclass,您使用无衬线字体)
  • 为了获得表格的最终形式,您至少需要编译两次文档

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}      % i haven't "Thesis" style
\usepackage[margin=30mm]{geometry}% just for simulating page layout defined in your documentclass

% from your preamble i remove for your table all irrelevant packages
\usepackage{array, booktabs, ltablex, makecell, threeparttablex}
\newcolumntype{R}{>{\RaggedRight\hspace{0pt}}X} % <----------------------



     \item[a] Spectral resolution
    \item[b] MS: multi-spectral bands
    \item[c] Spatial resolution
    \item[d] Swath-width
    \item[e] Temporal resolution
    \item[f] Radiometric resolution
    \item[g] Mapping scale
    \item[h] Landsat-3 only\\[1ex]
\item[A]   A: scale 1:\num{2 500}
\item[B]   B: scale 1:\num{7 500}
\item[C]   C: scale 1:\num{10 000}
\item[D]   D: scale 1:\num{25 000}
\item[E]   E: scale 1:\num{40 000}
\item[F]   F: scale 1:\num{80 000}
\item[G]   G: scale 1:\num{100 000}
\item[H]   H: scale 1:\num{500 500}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{       % <----------------------
    @{} *{6}{l} *{3}{c} l
    >{\linespread{0.84}\selectfont}R % <----------------------
    \caption{Characteristics of low and medium spatial resolution remote sensing systems and their applications}
    \label{T2.1}        \\
    & \thead[bl]{Satellite}
        & \thead[bl]{Sensor}
            & \thead[bl]{SR\tnote{a} (nm)}
                & \thead[bl]{Bands\tnote{b}}
                    &  \thead[bl]{PS\tnote{c}\\ (m)}
                        &  \thead[bl]{C\tnote{d}\\ (km)}
                            &  \thead[bl]{RT\tnote{e}\\ (days)}
                                &  \thead[bl]{DR\tnote{f}\\ (bit)}
                                    & \thead[bl]{Scale\tnote{f}}
                                        & \thead[bl]{Applications} \\
    \caption{Characteristics of low and medium spatial resolution remote sensing systems and their applications (cont.)}     \\
    & \thead[bl]{Satellite}
        & \thead[bl]{Sensor}
            & \thead[bl]{SR\tnote{a} (nm)}
                & \thead[bl]{Bands\tnote{b}}
                    &  \thead[bl]{PS\tnote{c}\\ (m)}
                        &  \thead[bl]{C\tnote{d}\\ (km)}
                            &  \thead[bl]{RT\tnote{e}\\ (days)}
                                &  \thead[bl]{DR\tnote{f}\\ (bit)}
                                    & \thead[bl]{Scale\tnote{f}}
                                        & \thead[bl]{Applications} \\
    \multicolumn{11}{r}{\textit{Continue on the next page}}
1972    &   \makecell[tl]{Landsat-1,\\ Landsat-2,\\ Landsat-3}
            &   MSS
                &   500 - 1100
                    &  \makecell[tl]{4 (MS)\\5\tnote{h}}
        &   80
            &   185
                &   18
                    &   6
                        &   A - G
        &   Land-use planning; vegetation inventories; crop growth and health assessments; discriminating different types and amounts of vegetation; and cartography \\
1984    &   Landsat-5
            &   TM
                &   \makecell[tl]{450 - 2,350\\ 10,400 - 12,350}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{6 (MS)\\ 1 (T)}
                        &   30
        &   185
            &   16
                &   8
                    &   G - H
        & Surface temperature; discriminating vegetation type; water penetration; plant and soil moisture measurements; and identification of hydrothermal alteration in certain rock types \\
1997    &   SeaStar
            &   SeaWiFS
                &   402 - 885
                    &   8 (MS)
        &   1,100
            &   2,800
                &   Daily
                    &   10
                        &   G - H
        &   The concentration of microscopic marine plants; phytoplankton based on the colour of the ocean         \\
1998    &   NOAA-15 & AVHRR/3
            &   580 - 12,500
                &   6 (MS)
                    &   1,090
        &   2,940
            &   Daily
                &   10
                    &   G - H
        &   Surface mapping (daytime); land–water boundaries; snow and ice detection; cloud mapping (daytime and night); sea surface temperature \\
1999    &   \makecell[tl]{Terra \&\\ Aqua}
            & MODIS & 620 - 14,3385
                &   \makecell[tl]{2 (MS)\\ 5 (MS)\\ 29 (MS \& T)}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{250\\ 500\\ 1000}
        &   2,330
            &   Daily
                &   12
                    &   G - H
        & Land, cloud, aerosols boundaries and properties; ocean colour, phytoplankton, biogeochemistry; atmospheric temperature; cirrus clouds and water vapour; ozone; surface and cloud temperature; cloud top altitude \\
1999    &   Terra
            &    MISR
                &   425 - 886
                    &   4 (MS)
        &   275
            &   360
                &   9
                    &   14
                        &   G - H
        &   Land use; ocean colour; air pollution; volcanic eruptions; desertification; deforestation; and soil erosion         \\
1999    &   Landsat7
            &   ETM+
                &   \makecell[tl]{450 - 2,350\\ 10,400 - 12,500\\ 500 - 900}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{6 (MS)\\ 1 (T)\\ 1 (PAN)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{30\\ 60\\ 15}
            &   185
                &   16
                    &   8
                        &   D - G
        &   Agriculture; forestry; land use; water resources and natural resource exploration; human population census and monitoring the growth of global urbanisation; deletion of coastal wetlands; and generating DEM \\
1999    &   Terra
            &   ASTER
                &   \makecell[tl]{520 - 860\\ 1,600 - 2,430\\ 8,125 - 11,650}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{3 (MS)\\ 6 (MS)\\ 5 (T)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{15\\ 30\\ 90}
            &   60
                &   16
                    &   \makecell[t]{8\\ 8\\ 12}
                        &   \makecell[tl]{A - E\\
                                          E - G\\
                                          G - H}
        &   Land surface climatology; vegetation and ecosystem dynamics; volcano monitoring; hydrology; geology and soils; land surface and land cover change \\
2002    &   SPOT5
            &   2 HRGs
                &   \makecell[tl]{500 - 890\\ 1,580 - 1,750\\ 480 - 710}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{3 (MS)\\ 1 (MS)\\ 1 (PAN)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{10\\ 20\\ 5}
            &   60
                &   26
                    &   8
                        &   \makecell[tl]{C - D\\
                                          C - D\\
                                          B - D}
        &   Urban and rural planning; land use and Infrastructure planning; telecommunications; oil and gas exploration and mining; environmental assessment, natural disaster management; marine studies; agriculture; and 3D terrain modelling \\
2013    &   Landsat8
            &   \makecell[tl]{OLI \&\\ TIRS}
                &   \makecell[tl]{435 - 1,551\\ 10,600 - 12,510\\ 503 - 676}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{8 (MS)\\ 2 (T)\\ 1 (PAN)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{30\\ 100\\ 15}
            &   185
                &   16
                    &   12
                        &   \makecell[tl]{F - G\\
                                          F - G\\
                                          A - E}
        &   Mineral exploration; vegetation analysis; large regional coverage; extensive archive for change detection; availability of imagery over cloud affected areas (detecting cirrus clouds); and coastal zone \\

附录(已编辑): 解决在一页上容纳大表格的问题的另一种方法是:

  • 删除重复标题和列头和列脚的定义
  • \changetext在页面的开始处局部增加页面大小,并landscape使用相反的参数。
  • 减少最后一列的线扩展\linespread{0.84}\selectfont
  • 减小\tabcolsep尺寸至4pt


\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}      % i haven't "Thesis" style
\usepackage{array, booktabs, ltablex, makecell, threeparttablex}
\newcolumntype{R}{>{\RaggedRight\hspace{0pt}}X} % <----------------------




\changetext{12em}{24em}{}{-2em}{}% <----------------------
%   meaning of parameters:
%   \changetext{add to text height}   (text width in landscape)
%              {add to text width}    (text heigth in landscape)
%              {add to right margin}  (bottom in landscape)
%              {add to left margin}   (top in landscape)
%              {add to column separation}
    \setlength\tabcolsep{4pt}    % <----------------------
     \item[a] Spectral resolution
    \item[b] MS: multi-spectral bands
    \item[c] Spatial resolution
    \item[d] Swath-width
    \item[e] Temporal resolution
    \item[f] Radiometric resolution
    \item[g] Mapping scale
    \item[h] Landsat-3 only\\[1ex]
    \item[A]   A: scale 1:\num{2 500}
    \item[B]   B: scale 1:\num{7 500}
    \item[C]   C: scale 1:\num{10 000}
    \item[D]   D: scale 1:\num{25 000}
    \item[E]   E: scale 1:\num{40 000}
    \item[F]   F: scale 1:\num{80 000}
    \item[G]   G: scale 1:\num{100 000}
    \item[H]   H: scale 1:\num{500 500}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{       % <----------------------
    @{} *{6}{l} *{3}{c} l 
    >{\linespread{0.84}\selectfont}R % <----------------------
    \caption{Characteristics of low and medium spatial resolution remote sensing systems and their applications}
    \label{T2.1}        \\
    & \thead[bl]{Satellite}
        & \thead[bl]{Sensor}
            & \thead[bl]{SR\tnote{a} (nm)}
                & \thead[bl]{Bands\tnote{b}}
                    &  \thead[bl]{PS\tnote{c}\\ (m)}
                        &  \thead[bl]{C\tnote{d}\\ (km)}
                            &  \thead[bl]{RT\tnote{e}\\ (days)}
                                &  \thead[bl]{DR\tnote{f}\\ (bit)}
                                    & \thead[bl]{Scale\tnote{f}}
                                        & \thead[bl]{Applications} \\
1972    &   \makecell[tl]{Landsat-1,\\ Landsat-2,\\ Landsat-3}
            &   MSS
                &   500 - 1100
                    &  \makecell[tl]{4 (MS)\\5\tnote{h}}
        &   80
            &   185
                &   18
                    &   6
                        &   A - G
        &   Land-use planning; vegetation inventories; crop growth and health assessments; discriminating different types and amounts of vegetation; and cartography \\
1984    &   Landsat-5
            &   TM
                &   \makecell[tl]{450 - 2,350\\ 10,400 - 12,350}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{6 (MS)\\ 1 (T)}
                        &   30
        &   185
            &   16
                &   8
                    &   G - H
        & Surface temperature; discriminating vegetation type; water penetration; plant and soil moisture measurements; and identification of hydrothermal alteration in certain rock types \\
1997    &   SeaStar
            &   SeaWiFS
                &   402 - 885
                    &   8 (MS)
        &   1,100
            &   2,800
                &   Daily
                    &   10
                        &   G - H
        &   The concentration of microscopic marine plants; phytoplankton based on the colour of the ocean         \\
1998    &   NOAA-15 & AVHRR/3
            &   580 - 12,500
                &   6 (MS)
                    &   1,090
        &   2,940
            &   Daily
                &   10
                    &   G - H
        &   Surface mapping (daytime); land–water boundaries; snow and ice detection; cloud mapping (daytime and night); sea surface temperature \\
1999    &   \makecell[tl]{Terra \&\\ Aqua}
            & MODIS & 620 - 14,3385
                &   \makecell[tl]{2 (MS)\\ 5 (MS)\\ 29 (MS \& T)}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{250\\ 500\\ 1000}
        &   2,330
            &   Daily
                &   12
                    &   G - H
        & Land, cloud, aerosols boundaries and properties; ocean colour, phytoplankton, biogeochemistry; atmospheric temperature; cirrus clouds and water vapour; ozone; surface and cloud temperature; cloud top altitude \\
1999    &   Terra
            &    MISR
                &   425 - 886
                    &   4 (MS)
        &   275
            &   360
                &   9
                    &   14
                        &   G - H
        &   Land use; ocean colour; air pollution; volcanic eruptions; desertification; deforestation; and soil erosion         \\
1999    &   Landsat7
            &   ETM+
                &   \makecell[tl]{450 - 2,350\\ 10,400 - 12,500\\ 500 - 900}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{6 (MS)\\ 1 (T)\\ 1 (PAN)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{30\\ 60\\ 15}
            &   185
                &   16
                    &   8
                        &   D - G
        &   Agriculture; forestry; land use; water resources and natural resource exploration; human population census and monitoring the growth of global urbanisation; deletion of coastal wetlands; and generating DEM \\
1999    &   Terra
            &   ASTER
                &   \makecell[tl]{520 - 860\\ 1,600 - 2,430\\ 8,125 - 11,650}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{3 (MS)\\ 6 (MS)\\ 5 (T)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{15\\ 30\\ 90}
            &   60
                &   16
                    &   \makecell[t]{8\\ 8\\ 12}
                        &   \makecell[tl]{A - E\\
                                          E - G\\
                                          G - H}
        &   Land surface climatology; vegetation and ecosystem dynamics; volcano monitoring; hydrology; geology and soils; land surface and land cover change \\
2002    &   SPOT5
            &   2 HRGs
                &   \makecell[tl]{500 - 890\\ 1,580 - 1,750\\ 480 - 710}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{3 (MS)\\ 1 (MS)\\ 1 (PAN)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{10\\ 20\\ 5}
            &   60
                &   26
                    &   8
                        &   \makecell[tl]{C - D\\
                                          C - D\\
                                          B - D}
        &   Urban and rural planning; land use and Infrastructure planning; telecommunications; oil and gas exploration and mining; environmental assessment, natural disaster management; marine studies; agriculture; and 3D terrain modelling \\
2013    &   Landsat8
            &   \makecell[tl]{OLI \&\\ TIRS}
                &   \makecell[tl]{435 - 1,551\\ 10,600 - 12,510\\ 503 - 676}
                    &   \makecell[tl]{8 (MS)\\ 2 (T)\\ 1 (PAN)}
        &   \makecell[tl]{30\\ 100\\ 15}
            &   185
                &   16
                    &   12
                        &   \makecell[tl]{F - G\\
                                          F - G\\
                                          A - E}
        &   Mineral exploration; vegetation analysis; large regional coverage; extensive archive for change detection; availability of imagery over cloud affected areas (detecting cirrus clouds); and coastal zone \\
        \end{tabularx}            % <----------------------
\changetext{-12em}{-24em}{}{2em}{}% <----------------------



为了让您入门,请查看以下 MWE。我缩减了序言以最小化给定问题的序言,更改了类(您使用的类来自哪里),但保留了代码\hbox{\strut(导致文本与列重叠;请根据您的需要进行更改...)。


 \documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article} 



    %\small                              % for better fit text into cells
    %\setlength{\LTcapwidth}{\linewidth} % that caption width is equal table width
    %\setlist[itemize]{  nosep,          % <-- new list setup
        %leftmargin = *,
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%}% end of AtBeginEnvironment



\begin{landscape} %\begin{table}[htb]
  {\small %
  \begin{longtable}{| p{1cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{1cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{3cm} |}
    \caption{Characteristics of low and medium spatial resolution remote sensing systems and their applications}
\textbf{Launch year} & \textbf{Satellite} & \textbf{Sensor} & \textbf{Spectral range\textsuperscript{a} (nm)} & \textbf{Bands\textsuperscript{b}} & \textbf{Pixel size\textsuperscript{c} (m)} & \textbf{Coverage\textsuperscript{d} (km)} & \textbf{Revisit time\textsuperscript{e} (days)} & \textbf{Dynamic range\textsuperscript{f} (bit)} & \textbf{Mapping scale} & \textbf{Applications} \\ 
1972  & Landsat-1, 2, 3  & MSS  & 500 - 1100 &  \vtop{\hbox{\strut 4 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 5 (Landsat-3 only)}} & 80 & 185 & 18 & 6 & 1:2500 - 1:100,000 & Land-use planning; vegetation inventories; crop growth and health assessments; discriminating different types and amounts of vegetation; and cartography \\ \hline
            1984 & Landsat-5 & TM & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 450 - 2,350}\hbox{\strut 10,400 - 12,350}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 6 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1(T)}} & 30 & 185 & 16 & 8 & 1:2500 - 1:100,000 & Surface temperature; discriminating vegetation type; water penetration; plant and soil moisture measurements; and identification of hydrothermal alteration in certain rock types \\ \hline
            1997 & SeaStar & SeaWiFS & 402 - 885 & 8 (MS) & 1,100 & 2,800 & Daily & 10 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & The concentration of microscopic marine plants; phytoplankton based on the colour of the ocean \\ \hline
            1998 & NOAA-15 & AVHRR/3 & 580 - 12,500 & 6 (MS) & 1,090 & 2,940 & Daily & 10 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & Surface mapping (daytime); land–water boundaries; snow and ice detection; cloud mapping (daytime and night); sea surface temperature \\ \hline
            1999 & Terra \& Aqua & MODIS & 620 - 14,3385 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 2 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 5 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 29 (MS \&T)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 250}\hbox{\strut 500}\hbox{\strut 1000}} & 2,330 & Daily & 12 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & Land, cloud, aerosols boundaries and properties; ocean colour, phytoplankton, biogeochemistry; atmospheric temperature; cirrus clouds and water vapour; ozone; surface and cloud temperature; cloud top altitude \\ \hline
            1999 & Terra & MISR & 425 - 886 & 4 (MS) & 275 & 360 & 9 & 14 & 1:100,000 - 1:500,000 & Land use; ocean colour; air pollution; volcanic eruptions; desertification; deforestation; and soil erosion \\ \hline
            1999 & Landsat7 & ETM+ & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 450 - 2,350}\hbox{\strut 10,400 - 12,500}\hbox{\strut 500 - 900}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 6 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1 (T)}\hbox{\strut 1 (PAN)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 30}\hbox{\strut 60}\hbox{\strut 15}} & 185 & 16 & 8 & 1:2,500 - 1:100,000 & LAgriculture; forestry; land use; water resources and natural resource exploration; human population census and monitoring the growth of global urbanisation; deletion of coastal wetlands; and generating DEM \\ \hline
            1999 & Terra & ASTER & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 520 - 860}\hbox{\strut 1,600 - 2,430}\hbox{\strut 8,125 - 11,650}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 3 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 6 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 5 (T)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 15}\hbox{\strut 30}\hbox{\strut 90}} & 60 & 16 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 8}\hbox{\strut 8}\hbox{\strut 12}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 1:2,500 - 1:40,000}\hbox{\strut 1:40,000 - 1:100,000}\hbox{\strut 1:100,000 - 1:500,000}} & Land surface climatology; vegetation and ecosystem dynamics; volcano monitoring; hydrology; geology and soils; land surface and land cover change \\ \hline
            2002 & SPOT5 & 2 HRGs & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 500 - 890}\hbox{\strut 1,580 - 1,750}\hbox{\strut 480 - 710}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 3 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 1 (PAN)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 10}\hbox{\strut 20}\hbox{\strut 5}} & 60 & 26 & 8 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 1:10,000 - 1:25,000}\hbox{\strut 1:10,000 - 1:25,000}\hbox{\strut 1:7,500 - 1:25,000}} & Urban and rural planning; land use and Infrastructure planning; telecommunications; oil and gas exploration and mining; environmental assessment, natural disaster management; marine studies; agriculture; and 3D terrain modelling \\ \hline
            2013 & Landsat8 & OLI \& TIRS & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 435 - 1,551}\hbox{\strut 10,600 - 12,510}\hbox{\strut 503 - 676}}  & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 8 (MS)}\hbox{\strut 2 (T)}\hbox{\strut 1 (PAN)}} & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 30}\hbox{\strut 100}\hbox{\strut 15}} & 185 & 16 & 12 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut 1:80,000 - 1:100,000}\hbox{\strut 1:80,000 - 1:100,000}\hbox{\strut 1:2,500 - 1:40,000}} & Mineral exploration; vegetation analysis; large regional coverage; extensive archive for change detection; availability of imagery over cloud affected areas (detecting cirrus clouds); and coastal zone \\  \hline

            \multicolumn{11}{|l|}{\textsuperscript{a}Spectral resolution, \textsuperscript{b}MS multi-spectral bands, \textsuperscript{c}Spatial resolution, \textsuperscript{d}Swath-width, \textsuperscript{e}Temporal resolution, \textsuperscript{f}Radiometric resolution} \\

    \end{landscape} %\end{table}
\end{document}  % The End


