减少 \makecvtitle 下的差距

减少 \makecvtitle 下的差距

我使用 documentclassmoderncv来写简历。我的问题是如何减少 下方的垂直间隙\makecvtitle




\address{123 Broadway}{City, State 12345}
\mobile{(000) 111 1111}


% reducing gap between the title and section
% reducing gap here




两个部分之间的间隙在命令中定义\section(参见两种改变间隙的可能性,用 标记,对于第一种可能性,我通过仅添加而不是 来<======减小间隙):.5ex2.5ex

  \par\addvspace{.5ex}% <==================== change 2.5ex for your needs
  \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
  \par\nobreak\addvspace{1ex}\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
  %            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  <========= change value 1ex for your needs 

在下面的 MWE 中我们需要使用\makeatletter\makeatother因为上面的定义使用了@


\moderncvstyle{casual} % head 2, body 1, foot 1

  \par\addvspace{.5ex}% <==================== change 2.5ex for your needs
  \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
  \par\nobreak\addvspace{1ex}\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
  %            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  change value 1ex for your needs


\address{123 Broadway}{City, State 12345}
\mobile{(000) 111 1111}


% reducing gap between the title and section
\vspace{-2.5em} % 1.25em 2.5em <====================================
% reducing gap here
\cventry{year--year}{Degree-2}{Institution-3}{City-4}{\textit{Grade}-5}{Description-6}  % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty


生成以下 pdf 文件:

生成的 pdf
