我第一次为 Springer 期刊准备文章。我很久以前就见过将其放入论文中的公式。如何使用 Springer 期刊的“svjour3”包将其写入双栏文章中的一栏中。同样,如何在同一篇文章中添加“命名法”。
对于 LaTex 文件,请参见下文:
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: 19 19 221 221
%%CreationDate: Mon Sep 29 1997
%%Creator: programmed by hand (JK)
% 20 20 moveto
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%2 setlinewidth
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\journalname{Springer Journal}
%%%%%%%% Title%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title{Title of the Article}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Authors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\author{Author's Name}
\institute{Author's Institute Name\\
\email{[email protected]}}
This is an abstract.
\keywords{Keyword1 \and Keyword2\and Keyword3}
The functions $F_1$, $F_2$ and $F_3$ are given below
F(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1})=\frac{l x_{0}(1+b+c\sigma)}{\omega(1+b)} P(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1})+l\frac{\omega^{2}+b(1+b+c\sigma)}{x_{0}\omega(1+b)^{2}}Q(x_{1},y_{1},z_{1})+\frac{l x_{0}}{\sigma} R(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1})
\journalname{Springer Journal}
\title{Title of the Article}
\author{Author's Name}
\institute{Author's Institute Name\\
\email{[email protected]}}
This is an abstract.
\keywords{Keyword1 \and Keyword2\and Keyword3}
The functions $F_1$, $F_2$ and $F_3$ are given below
% we declare the first term ahead of the multline environment, so that
% its width becomes available for aligning the second and third row.
% the term itself is available in \firstterm, so that it does not need
% to be repeated.
\setfirstterm{F(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1})}
\firstterm\:=\:\frac{l x_{0}(1+b+c\sigma)}{\omega(1+b)} P(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1}) \\[1em]
\ftspace\: +\:l\frac{\omega^{2}+b(1+b+c\sigma)}{x_{0}\omega(1+b)^{2}}Q(x_{1},y_{1},z_{1}) \\[1em]
\ftspace\: +\:\frac{l x_{0}}{\sigma} R(x_{1}, y_{1}, z_{1}) \hfill