\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, line join=round]
\fill [gray!50]
(-2,-.5) -- (3,-.5) arc (-90:90:.375 and .5) -- (-2,.5) arc (90:270:.375 and .5);
\fill [gray, even odd rule] (0.5,0)
ellipse [x radius=1.75, y radius=2] ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=1.25];
\fill [gray] (0,2) rectangle ++(0.5, -0.25) (0,-2) rectangle ++(0.5, 0.25);
\fill [gray!20, even odd rule]
ellipse [x radius=1.75, y radius=2] ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=1.25];
\foreach \i in {-90,-67.5,...,67.5}
\draw [ultra thick, rounded corners=0.125cm]
(\i:1 and 1.25) -- (\i:1.75 and 2) -- +(0.5,0);
\foreach \i in {120,144.5,...,247.5}
\draw [ultra thick, rounded corners=0.125cm]
(\i:1.75 and 2) -- (\i:1 and 1.25) -- +(0.5,0);
(2,4) coordinate (a) circle [radius=.1]
(2,3) coordinate (b) circle [radius=.1];
\draw [ultra thick] (90:1 and 1.25) |- (a);
\draw [ultra thick] (67.5:1.75 and 2) ++(0.5, 0) |- (b);
\fill [gray!50] (0,-.5) rectangle ++(-2,1);
\fill [gray] (-2,0) ellipse [x radius=0.375, y radius=.5];