Biblatex 自定义年份字段的位置

Biblatex 自定义年份字段的位置

有没有方法biblatex可以更改输出中参考书目字段的顺序?我使用 样式是trad-abbrv因为缩写(natbib我也使用abbrvnat,因为我非常喜欢它)。我现在想打印期刊后的年份,然后打印出期刊、编号和页码。当前trad-abbrv按以下顺序打印:

  • 作者
  • 标题
  • 杂志
  • 体积
  • 数字


\usepackage[backend=biber, style = trad-abbrv, citestyle = numeric-comp]{biblatex}

% Name

% Title

% Volume

% Number

% Pages

% Year

    author  = {Yablokov, V Ya and Smel'tsova, I L and Zelyaev, I A and Mitrofanova, S V},
    doi     = {10.1134/S1070363209080209},
    issn    = {1070-3632},
    journal = {Russ. J. Gen. Chem.},
    number  = {8},
    pages   = {1704--1706},
    title   = {{Studies of the Rates of Thermal Decomposition of Glycine, Alanine, and Serine}},
    volume  = {79},
    year    = {2009}






要将年份移到期刊名称后面,您可以将其添加到journal+issuetitle宏的定义中,然后从宏中删除issue+date-parens。这两个宏的原始定义可以在 中找到trad-standard.bbx

\usepackage[backend=biber, style = trad-abbrv, citestyle = numeric-comp]{biblatex}

% Name

% Title

% Volume

% Number

% Pages

% Year

    author  = {Yablokov, V Ya and Smel'tsova, I L and Zelyaev, I A and Mitrofanova, S V},
    doi     = {10.1134/S1070363209080209},
    issn    = {1070-3632},
    journal = {Russ. J. Gen. Chem.},
    number  = {8},
    pages   = {1704--1706},
    title   = {{Studies of the Rates of Thermal Decomposition of Glycine, Alanine, and Serine}},
    volume  = {79},
    year    = {2009}

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